What is the difference between successful marketers in your niche and the ones that struggle to get sales?
It all boils down to the 3 key pillars that lead to more conversions and successful sales.
And when you have all three aligned, that’s when you get the sales and that’s when the magic happens.
In this episode, we are discussing what these pillars are and how you can use them to increase your conversions and sales.
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3 Big Take Aways
- The reason why you might not get enough conversions
- How to create congruent messaging that leads to sales
- How to align your offer with your audience
- The perfect Ad Framework – Use this framework to properly plan your ad so you create the most effective and highest converting ads possible!
- Adaptive Inner Circle – The Adaptive Inner Circle is an epic 12-month experience for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners who aspire to create financial freedom and a lifestyle they want for themselves and their family and also create a positive impact in their community and the world.
- Adaptive Marketing Program– The Adaptive Marketing Program is an exclusive opportunity for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners to play bigger and bolder in their business and explode their bank account with more clients!
For a list of our resources & recommendations visit: InternetMarketingBiz.com/links/
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Melissa: If you want more sales and your business, of course you do who doesn't want more sales, then you need to pay attention to these three things that we're going to jam on today.
Paul: Three things, you mean like secrets, you know, like stuff.
Melissa: Items, Processes.
Paul: Oh my goodness. I can't wait to get into this. So here's the interesting thing is that when it comes to these three items, what is so vitally important, we see people. Like mess this up all the time. We see people struggle. There was just like this isn't this ad isn't converting the sales page isn't converting.
People aren't opting in on my webinars, this isn't going well in a really boils down to these three items. So I'm really excited that we're going to dive in on this.
Melissa: Yeah. And the cool thing is, is that once you understand this, you can apply this to everything in your marketing and what we're going to share with you.
It's going to seem so simple, but a lot of times people get it wrong. So pay attention, because when you have all three aligned, that's when you get the sales and that's when the magic happens.
Paul: Yeah. So to put this in context. Let's pretend that we were at a live event, you know, that we were sitting there, we want to fill a room.
Right? So I've been very blessed and fortunate in my lifetime to speak in front of as many as 6,000 people from stage. So let's just think about like, you know, if we don't have the right audience initially, then it really doesn't matter what our presentation is. Right. So we need butts and seats, but we need the right ones as well.
Melissa: Yeah. Cause you got a killer presentation. You can be up there, you know, giving so much knowledge nuggets up there. But if it's the wrong people in the room that aren't really interested at all what you're talking about, then you're not gonna have them pay attention to what you have to say.
Paul: So the first pillar here, so vitally important is we need to make sure that we are attracting the right audience.
Now we see this go wrong all the time. We see people struggle. They're like, oh, I've got this many people on my Facebook page and this many people on my Facebook group or this many people following me on IG, or I have an email list of X amount of people as well. But what it is is that they did certain things that kind of like attracted people for different reasons that weren't really congruent with what they're really trying to sell.
And then what happens is that when it comes time to making that offer later on that the conversions don't work that well.
So we really want to focus on making sure that we attract the right audience. Now, what can we do to make sure that we attract the right audience?
Melissa: So that's all about having the right message. And this is the second thing is really making sure that that message is aligned.
So again, you might've attracted all these individuals into your world because you've had mixed messages, different messages. You're kind of all over the place with your messaging, with your marketing. So being really sure that you have that right message in place is really important because this works hand in hand with the audience when you have the right message in place if it's something that you're speaking into the right people are going to want to listen to that.
And those are the people that you want to present your offer to.
Paul: So we go back into the stage analogy again, let's think about it. Like, let's say all those seats are filled. They're there, right people, they are there.
You've experienced, I know we have as well, where the person on stage had the wrong message. Have you ever been in an event where people just start tuning out? They start looking at their phone. They're like making excuses like, oh, I'm going to just disappear. If you've ever been at one of those events, almost icky, you know, like people like great numbers start walking out of the room.
Now it was the right people is the right audience. But the message was not on point. And we have to be very careful about this because if we don't put the right message out there, that will also impact the quality of audience that we have. That's listening to that message. And a lot of us we're all over the place with our messaging.
And again, then we attract people from all these random, different places. And then what'll happen is there's a misalignment at that point, because that last step where we want to bring everybody to, to have that success.
Melissa: The offer. That's what we're presenting. That's our course, our membership, our coaching program, our product, our service.
That's what the offer is. So again, having the right audience, the right message and that offer aligned is what's going to lead to the sale.
So again, being really clear on the messaging that you're putting out there, but making sure that what's on the other side of it is what, something that they actually desire and want.
Paul: Yes. And again, coming back and you keeps swinging back to that analogy. We're in the right room. We have a ton of people that are sitting there, the right audience in front, we do an incredible presentation and then the offer is made. And either you see the mad rush to the back of the room. Where everybody's like, sign me up, sign me up, waving virtual money.
Like take my money. I love this because the offer is so aligned. Or have you ever been again where the message is great, the presentation was beautiful, the audience was the perfect people, but then at the end it was like crickets, crickets. It was like awkward. Right? Because the offer itself was not really aligned.
Like the, again, perfect audience, perfect aligned message but then the offer itself was just misaligned.
Melissa: Yeah. It's so important to have all three of these align and you, once you start to really understand and pay attention. Again, this applies to everything that you do. So the marketing and messaging that you do on social media, your sales pages, everything you put out there, making sure that that audience, the message and the offer is aligned.
When all three of those are aligned or in our sync, then you really can lead to those sales and have more of the right people in your world that are going to enjoy your offers. And the more people, the right people that you get to work with.
Paul: This is a natural way of thinking. A lot of us don't have marketing degrees and backgrounds in that is exactly why.
We put together and a special, incredible event that is happening next week, Melissa.
Melissa: Yeah. So we're super excited. It is our ads challenge, and this is a free challenge that we do to really help you bring and align all those three things. The audience, the message and the offer, and really what it's designed to do is convert strangers into raving fan clients.
So we've got the information here in the show notes on how to get started in the ads challenge. We would love for you to join us.
Paul: Yeah. So again, coming back today, it's like, how do we get more sales? How do we get those conversions really high? Because again, you see it in your service and your product, whatever you offer, the niche that you're in, there's people that do really well.
And there's also a lot of people that struggle, and it really comes down to these three key pillars we talked about today. It's getting the right people in those seats as virtual seats, right. It's aligning that message so that not only do we attract the right people initially, But they're also aligned perfectly with your offer.
That's going to be presented all three of those things. Those three pillars, it's like holding up a stall. If any, one of them is missing or misaligned, the whole thing falls over. Now we do have the ads challenge. You simply go to adschallenge.com. We are starting that this upcoming week. We're so excited and we know that you're gonna get a lot out of it.
Cause we are going to dive into these three pillars so that you can get more sales in your business.
Melissa: So this has been another excellent show. We love sharing online marketing strategies with you. So if you love the show, please subscribe and share with your friends, let them know. This is what we do is we jam on all the time because we want to see you succeed in your business and your life.
And this, it all starts here with all the tips that we share.
Yeah. So again, go over to adschallenge.com and join the rest of us as we go through this. And until then, remember marketing matters.