In this episode, we are discussing how to create a proper runway leading up to your launch that will set you up for success by mapping out the journey for your audience step-by-step leading them from getting them into your world, building connections, creating excitement, and anticipation and finally making the offer and leading them to an informed buying decision.
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3 Big Take Aways
- Pick a launch date and work backward to plan out your conversations and your content, smoothly leading your audience from the starting point all the way to making an informed buying decision.
- Don’t treat your launch like a helicopter pad. Taking off immediately without any warning, announcing all out of the blue: “Buy my thing today!”
- Depending on your launch mechanism, your audience might need a longer runway to warm up
Launch Runway Planner – This resource will help you build your calendar for your Launch. Focus on building your calendar so you know exactly when things will happen during your Launch and you can begin to think about what assets you’ll need to set yourself up for success!
Plan your entire launch strategy with ease using the FREE Launch Runway Planner!
Launch Frameworks Playbook: Launching your offer is how you'll get clients and we're going to share our launch system with you. The Launch Frameworks Playbook shares our entire launch system that quickly and easily brings in sales on auto pilot.
Adaptive Marketing Program: For online entrepreneurs, service providers, & business owners who want predictable results and more sales, easier and faster.
Whether you're moving at a turtle's pace or racing at rabbit speed with your business…
…we'll help you create a strategic marketing plan, run successful ad campaigns, optimize your copy for more conversions, and get more sales and clients!
For a list of our resources & recommendations visit here!
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Instagram: @realpaulpruitt & @realmelissapruitt
Facebook: @realpaulpruitt & @realmelissapruitt
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Melissa: Today, we're sharing our secret to multi six-figure launches.
Paul: Hold on our total, our top secret, secret
Melissa: top secret stuff. All of the good stuff.
Paul: Oh my goodness. Okay. Let's go ahead and jam on it.
Melissa: Yes, absolutely. So we wanted to share today a little bit about some of the things that we do before we launch that has really allowed us the success in our business.
Paul: So this is something we call it pre stocking your pond. Now, let that, let that sit for a second pre stocking your pond.
Now we've all seen those fishing shows and it's like, oh my goodness. So like miracle workers, how in the world are they just pulling fish out left and right. And you know, like 10 seconds before that they just stock that pond up with all those fish.
Melissa: Like they make it look so easy, right?
Paul: Yeah. Yeah. And we can do the same thing when it comes our social media presence, when it comes to our list building. But here's the thing we need the pre stocked upon with the right people that are aligned with our offer.
Melissa: Yeah. So what's really important is when you do know your offer and the transformation that you're promising, you can really craft your messaging around that again, to attract those right people.
So it's really important here. Again, we've been talking a little bit about aligning those three pillars, your audience, your message, your offer and this comes into play when it comes to pre stocking your pond. Because again, to bring the right people in pre stock with the right people, we have to know where we're leading people to, and really knowing our offer and how it's gonna help.
Paul: Yeah. So when you know that transformation, then what you do is you can take that you, you know, the messaging and everything you have around that offer itself. And those are the pieces that we're gonna then stick out the messaging that we're gonna stick out in front of it. Now there's certain lead magnets, certain types of launches that you're gonna do that'll attract the right aligned people in as well.
But the whole idea is like, we don't want to like have this beautiful offer, this beautiful presentation with no bums in the seats. Like nobody in the seats, we've got this big, huge conference centers. Like our family is sitting here watching us and cheering us on
Melissa: it's like crickets. Right?
Paul: And I think a lot of us have dealt with that in like a virtual sense, right. Where we go to our social media, we go to our email list and, you know, we know that most of our family and friends in high school sweethearts are on there and it's like, oh my goodness. Like nobody is buying. It's such a vulnerable moment when everything is technically not aligned.
Melissa: Absolutely. Yeah. I can feel really like, just gut it in your stomach because again, It, you know, you've, you've done all the work, you know, that you have a great offer, you know, it can help with your solution, but again, you're just not getting the traction or, you know, people that are really raising their hand saying, yes, I want that thing.
So when you pre stock your pond, some of the things that you could do again is like, what are you putting out there into the world to start to gather the right people in? And one of the things is your social media content. Like they're not social, media's here to stay in one way or the other. And there's lots of different ways.
You know, to, to put things out there, again, attract people, but again, what kind of messaging are you putting out there to create that curiosity? Again, to get people one step closer into your world so that you can have that virtual hand raise, like, yes, I am ready for the offer that you have on the other side.
Paul: Yeah. And again, it comes back to being intentional. So when, you know, what the transformation is that, that you are selling that, that the offer is all about. Then what happens is it makes the messaging a lot easier, but a lot of people don't know it it's a, it's like a master chef saying like, eh, this, this meal is, it was easy to make.
And it's like, ah, how did you make it? Right? Like, what were the ingredients? What order did you do it? You know, because I wanna be able to replicate it. And that's the cool thing. When, when you really dial in these, those three pillars, when you look at your message, it'll be the bridge, it'll attract the right audience into your world.
And then from there, they're gonna be perfectly aligned with your offer when you have those three elements really tuned in, it just makes everything so much easier. And what's really also incredible about is when you really have this tuned in. It's duplicatable and it's predictable and that's not a lot of people's businesses.
Melissa: Yeah. Yeah. So, and I think the other thing too, that's really great. Again, when you have this aligned, this is what you become known for. So people are just gonna naturally assume that's what you do. And again, refer other people to you because again, they assume you've been talking about it.
You've been pre stocking that pond by putting out great content with your messaging. And when you do this the right way, then you don't need such a long runway to bring people in because it's just naturally, oh, you've got a course on that or you have a program about that. They, they already know about it because again, it's just, it's you become that expert in that particular niche in that particular topic that you just, you know, people know, know you for that, and they're gonna naturally just come to you for the solutions.
Paul: Yeah. And again, it's about that runway. So it needs to be location, location, location. It needs to be in the right place at the right time for that buyer and in their journey.
Right. So when you have that properly lined runway and it has those alignments being intentional with that audience that, that messaging and that offer what happens is you will get the results that you want.
And the tricky thing is what we see a lot of times though, is a misalignment people. We see people posting all the time that, oh, I just did a launch.
And like, it didn't go well. Or didn't, you know, the, the one person bought and they're really a relative, you know, there's, there's other people that have a little launch and then they go back and do it again. And they, it fails or it doesn't get the results that they want. It's not scalable. Mm-hmm , and it's a lot of times because there's not a lot of intentionality.
There's not a lot of purposeful alignment with those three elements. And when they are really aligned, then the runway is, is a little bit flexible, but you know where a lot of people, I think fail also sometimes is we, we see this a lot is people like, have a need they're like, oh, you know, like the muffler fell off on the card.
Like, okay, I need to launch tomorrow. They don't have a runway, like where a, a plane could take off there. They're looking for more like a helicopter helicopter, you know, they just, you know, that they don't have the right audience in front of them.
They, they did not put the right messaging out in the world to get the right, you know, people either on their email list or in their social media. But then they just like throw spaghetti at the wall and they're hoping and praying, like they, they crossing their fingers. Like, will these people buy from me? And like, it's not even really a runway again.
It's like a, a launchpad yeah. Type thing. Yeah. And um, they don't get the results that they want.
Melissa: Absolutely. I mean, I, I do believe that there is a time and a place for, you know, Putting stuff out there to see if it works. Cuz we do have to test, but again, without any kind of runway or building that like, know and trust with your audience again, they don't, they have no clue.
And then you're coming outta the blue with this offer and it's like, oh, what, what are you talking about? And then you, you get disappointed cuz you don't get the, the great results. Yeah.
Paul: But on the reverse end, as you were speaking about though, is that when you do have the right audience.
Because you were messaging intentional and correctly you can put something out at the, we've done that a lot where we had the right audience. Yep. We've had the right messaging and we put the right offer out and boom. They just, they just purchased in a very big way.
Melissa: Yeah.
Paul: So this is possible and it's duplicatable and that's why I'm really excited because we put together such an incredible program.
That'll pull back the curtain and show you what we've learned through the years and tested what we've coached other people on. They had the duplicated result. These are things that we found, cuz we were in the room where it happened. We were in the room where we learned at top end high end masterminds where the influencers pulled back to curtain show what they did and we implement it.
We tweaked, we came up with our own formulas, our own strategies and it just amplified to a whole new level. But Melissa, we did put something together to help everybody out with that. Can you wanna talk about that?
Melissa: Yeah, absolutely.
So we have opened up our influenced course, and if you go to influencedcourse.com, you can go check that out.
But again, this is the course where we lay everything out. We're, we're going to help you align your social media to your list, to your launch.
So again, that you're bringing the right people into your world, everything is perfectly aligned with your audience, your message and your offer. So that again, you're gonna bring the right people in that are gonna be perfect for your paid offers.
It's gonna allow you to grow your business. It's gonna allow you to help those individuals, cuz you're gonna be helping the people that are virtually raising their hand saying, yes, I need help with this. And we've laid everything out in the influenced course in six modules. There's a lot of details in this course, too.
This isn't just a beginner level, you know, surface level course. We go into deep exactly. You know, what we do in our business to build that influence and properly align our audience with our message and our offer.
Paul: Yeah. So we just pulled back the curtain shared one of our biggest secrets when it comes to our multi-six figure launches, we pre stock our pond.
Right? So what that means is by putting the right bait, the right lure out into the world, that's gonna be the messaging. That's gonna be your lead magnets. That's gonna be properly aligned with your offers. That's gonna attract the right audience into your world. And from there, you can determine how long of a runway, because we're not guessing and just stone spaghetti at the wall anymore.
Some of us will have longer runways we'll have bigger launches. Some of us will have smaller runways where we're doing like an on demand type of launch. We are in control of this because once all the aligns there, it's duplicatable, it's predictable. We can recreate it over and over again. It. It's something that is a total game changer, because that's gonna bring you less stress, less overwhelm.
You're not gonna be guessing and staring at the screen going, what should I post today? There's a very clear intention every single day. And it's intentional to guide the right people into your world and guide them into that informed buying decision.
Melissa: Yeah. So we love talking about this kind of stuff all the time on the online marketing podcast.
So if you love the show, please head over, make sure you subscribe this show and also share it with a friend because we're jamming on all things about marketing and selling your offer.
Paul: Yeah. So again, remember, go over to influencedcourse.com and also marketing matters.