A lot of marketers get frustrated with their Facebook Ads when they don’t lead to the desired results.
In this episode, we are discussing what you need to fix before running another Facebook Ad in order to get predictable and duplicable results.
Sign up for free Ads Challenge and learn how to create Facebook ads that transform strangers into raving clients! https://adschallenge.com
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3 Big Take Aways
- What you need to fix before doing Facebook ads
- How to optimize your sales funnels
- Why keeping an open mind is vital when you are evaluating your marketing and sales strategies
- Ads Challenge – Sign up for our free Ads Challenge and learn how to create Facebook ads that transform strangers into raving clients!
- Adaptive Marketing Program– The Adaptive Marketing Program is an exclusive opportunity for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners to play bigger and bolder in their business and explode their bank account with more clients!
For a list of our resources & recommendations visit: https://onlinemarketingpodcast.com/learn-with-paul-melissa/
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Melissa: Don't do another Facebook ad until you do this.
Paul: Oh my goodness. What is this?
Melissa: a really great conversation and really honest conversation today about Facebook ads.
Paul: Yeah. I tell you what the most common thing that we see in, in Melissa's, right? Like don't do another Facebook ad. Please stop right now because we see so many people doing this wrong and they have the wrong mindset when they go in on these
ads as well.
Paul: You know, what's really common, Melissa, is that we get hit up all the time and people are like, you know what? Facebook ads don't work. You know, they're not what they used to be. You know, I spent X amount of dollars and it's a waste of money and it, and they just get overwhelmed and frustrated.
Melissa: So true. I was actually just the other day with a peer mastermind group and we help each other out. We share information and our experiences and someone was having a hard time, you know, with Facebook ads and I was giving some advice and they totally shut me down. And it's just, it was so shocking to me in such a shame because they weren't even really willing to listen because, it's not a matter of that Facebook ads don't work, but it's kind of approaching it with a different mindset and a different mind frame.
Paul: That is what we're going to dig into on this episode. What I'm really excited about here what both of us, we really want to shift your mindset, because what happens is you don't want to, the old saying is you don't want to throw good money after bad. And really what that is is we really need to take a step back.
And before we do a Facebook ad, we need to fix our funnel. We need to fix the other elements. We need to make sure that, you know, we talk about this a lot, you know, the alignment of our offer along with our audience, and then that messaging that's in between, because what happens and where people go wrong a lot of times, and this isn't new with Facebook ads.
I just want to let you know, this is not new Facebook ads. I've seen this for many, many years where people are like, oh, I don't have any business. I'm going to take out this full page ad way back in the day and like the newspaper or magazine. Right?
And it's like their message and their offer is just not aligned in what happens is like, oh, that was a waste of money.
Oh, I, I spent $2,000 on a billboard and lost all that money like that doesn't work and dah, dah, dah, and you know what we need to come back and before we go out, especially these days before we spend money on Facebook ads, what we want to do is we want to make sure our funnel is converting.
We want to make sure all the alignments are there because here's the interesting thing.
Ads will not fix your funnel problems. It will only amplify what is right or wrong with your funnel.
Melissa: That's so true. So true. And I think this brings us back with our entire business, looking at it from a holistic perspective, because again, it's not just looking at the one piece, but all the things and how everything is going to work together.
I think that this is something that's important for us as entrepreneurs and as marketers, we need to look at the entire picture.
Paul: Yeah, and this is where I, again, I just wanted you to take a couple steps back. It's like, we need to look at this and we need to say to ourselves, okay. Yes. I do want to put ad money out because I want more results.
I need more customers. I want more people in the door, right? The virtual door, the real door. But it's something it's like, if that offer is not aligned, if the message, if you're not, and really just think about it. That would be like going in the middle of New York city, like times square and just screaming to the top of your lungs.
Like, Hey, everybody here, like buy my thing, buy my thing. The people in times square, probably didn't go to times square to like, want your thing as well as buy it. And a lot of people mess up like that. That's like the online equivalent a lot of times, it's like fire sale. It's like, oh my goodness. Buy my thing, there's no relationship building.
There's no like the funnel, the alignment is all out of whack. It's like having a three legged stool where the offer the message in the audience in like one or two of the legs are missing. And you're like, I don't know why this isn't standing up.
Melissa: Yeah. Yeah. It's looking at all those elements, making sure it's aligned and then being open-minded to look at each one individually and really see where the challenges are, where the problems are, where the conversions are missing.
Maybe just you did something that was working really well in this part of the funnel, but you're seeing that you're not getting your results on the other end. That's something to examine.
And it's, again, we always talk about marketing is testing and trying different things and being open-minded. And that's when, again, when I had that conversation with someone and really trying to help them out, and it was a total shut down, I was like, no, let's, let's open up our minds and really look at our ads differently, our marketing differently, looking at the entire funnel.
Because again, like you said, it's. Amplifying what's what's right. And I'm really examining the pieces that are aren't hitting so well and fixing them.
Paul: Yeah. And if you think about it, if you have people already in your real world, like that are in your natural world, and if they're not willing, like if your email list or your social media following, like if you put this message out there, you put the software out there and they're not willing to bite.
And they already like know and trust you and they're not willing to buy it. Like there's a misalignment there. Why in the world, would you put a nickel on ads like that? That is so risky, right?
And we just don't want that to happen to you is that you have to keep in mind, I'm gonna repeat this a thousand times.
Cause we've been talking about this for years to the point that other people are starting to pick up our language as well, is that ads will not fix your funnel. It will only amplify what is right or wrong with your funnel. That is so key. And that's what today is all about is we need to take time. We need to step back.
We need to create a process and a system like each and every step. Because marketing is a process and that's, what's vitally important. And what's really interesting is speaking of a process, we are putting something together. This week, and I'm really excited. Melissa you wanna tell them a little bit about it?
Melissa: so we have our ads challenge and you can join right now, ads challenge.com.
And this is an opportunity, again, to look at the entire marketing process and your Facebook ads and really all of your marketing strategies from a holistic perspective. And we're going to go through this challenge with you. You're going to learn some new things. You're gonna be open-minded and look at your funnels differently.
And it's a free challenge that you can go through and we would love to have you.
Paul: Yeah. So it's simply five days and we're going to help you take complete strangers into raving clients. Like that's what we all want. And that's what it's all about. Because with any process, that's a step by step system that gets you a predictable duplicatable result.
Let me repeat that because this is where we want your business. If you have there's peaks and valleys and ups and downs all the time, what you need is when you, instead of it looking at it like a slot machine, we won't look at this as like an ATM. And what we want to do is there is an investment, right?
But we want that return on investment every time that you do a Facebook ad, because things are tested. Things are aligned with your offer and with your audience. And then what happens is people are naturally doing each of the steps of the funnel that you're doing. And what'll happen is when you know what that result is.
If you do X and you always get, Y. Then, if you do two X, you should get two Y. It's predictability, and then you can duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it. And that's where you scale. And that's where you get rid of the peaks and valleys of your business. And we're going to go through this and we're going to show you the process.
We're going to show you the system we're going to go through at the ads, challenge.com. This week, five days, we're going to each day is very simple. Just one simple step. We're going to open your mind so you can see marketing in a completely different lens. We're so excited, on that so most, so we circle back and maybe kind of go over what we covered.
I feel like we covered a lot.
Melissa: We covered a lot today. Again, remember ads, they don't fix your funnel. You have the (inaudible) was right or wrong. So keep that in mind, looking at your business from a holistic perspective and having an open mind about your marketing, because ads, they can work really well for you, but it's really about understanding your business as a whole.
Paul: Yeah. So I also want to remind you, please subscribe, make sure you subscribe to the show. Please do us a favor, share it with anybody that you know, as well, because they probably also could benefit coming into the ads challenge. It's so vitally important. Anything else that we want to share today for today?
Melissa: Again, remember ads, challenge.com. Come join us. We're going to have so much fun and learn how to really make your marketing and your yeah. So again, until we talk again, Marketing matters. We'll talk to you soon. I'll go ahead. Go over there. adschallenge.com