How do we get the right people on our lists? This is one of the most common questions marketers have.
A lot of us get dumped into an email list and then almost feel beat up sometimes because we end up in a nurturing sequence that is not related to what we opted in for in the first place.
In this episode, we are talking about how to attract the right audience that is perfectly aligned with your offers.
Grab our guide to get started with building your list with ideal people for your offers here!
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to attract the right people that are interested in your offers
- How to make sure your audience is aligned with your offers
- How to create a perfect experience for your audience
FREE: Creating the Perfect List Building Experience Guide – Grab our guide to get started with building your list with ideal people for your offers!
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Melissa: Today, we're talking about how to create the perfect list building experience.
Paul: Hold on one experience, I thought, huh? This is, you're making this more complicated. I thought he just had the list build. Now you tell me I got to do an experience.
Melissa: It doesn't have to be that complicated. It's actually, it's better in the long run to, for your people.
Paul: Yeah. So let's think about that because I think a lot of people think about the actual experience that somebody goes through when you are list-building itself. Right?
A lot of us get dumped into an email list and then almost feel like beat up sometimes, sometimes people are a little bit more aggressive.
Sometimes they send emails like they're nurturing sequences and it's not even aligned for like what I opted in for.
Like I can see how experience, you know, makes sense in this. So let's go in and jam on this.
Melissa: Yeah. So this is why it's so important to begin with the end in mind. And again, the purpose of the list is to lead people into your offers.
So you want to keep in mind of the offers that you're going to be leading people to. And so with that in mind, you'll be able to attract the right people onto your list.
Paul: Yeah. So, so let's, let's jam on that. Let's think about that. Like in our own world every year that we do a launch in it's to a Facebook ads course.
And what happens is, you know, we tested different things, you know, through, through time.
But what we have to do is we, again, starting with that finish line, like that destination, just like a GPS, like where are you going? So we know where to lead people, right?
So if we want to bring people into a Facebook ads, course, we really need to jam on like in our list building, like we need people that are actually interested in doing Facebook ads.
Right. So that wouldn't make sense to like, just go out to the general public, like the entire earth and just advertise that everybody cause like 99.9 9 9 9 9 9 9, 9, 9, 9 infinity. They're not going to be aligned. Right.
So if we, if we really keep in mind like who that person is, Then it's like, oh, what should we put out in front?
Do you remember what we put out in front?
Melissa: So right before the Facebook ads course, we have something called ads challenge, which someone takes the challenge on how to create awesome ads would naturally be interested in the course.
Paul: So if we look at that though, that we wanted people into that launch list, cause we, we jammed on this on another episode that we want to have a launch list.
And that launch was this adds challenge, right? So as a five day ads challenge, and that then got the right people that went through that experience, like interested in the offer.
So we're building this backwards as you said. So if we then come before that, when we're list building, Because we do want to list, build and get people interested in the challenge.
Right. So what was one of the things we did do a few things, cause, you know, we're, we, we like to test things, but what was one of the one examples that we did for list building?
Melissa: Yeah. So for list-building what we did is our 50 high converting headlines. And these are headlines that people can use for their ads.
And again, someone that would want that PDF would want to grab that would naturally be interested in doing ads, be perfect candidates for ads challenge, thereby candidates for the Facebook ads course too.
Paul: Yeah. So again, so we're bridging, right? So this is, cause what I feel like a lot of people do is they, you know, like, everybody's like, oh, I need to build traffic right now.
People already congregating online on, in the real world and offline world. They're already getting together .
The traffic is already there. We're not creating traffic. We're not getting people onto the internet. Right. They're already there, but they're doing other things. We're trying to interrupt them to get them into our world.
And a lot of times when we're getting them into our world and we're detouring them off of like, like they're on their own highway, right?
So they're doing their thing. They're scrolling, they're judging their friends and doing whatever the dominant social media, whatever. Right. But what happens is that we're trying to get attention.
We're trying to grab their attention. We're detouring them into our space, but then I feel like a lot of times we talk about this, I feel like people like dead end the person.
Melissa: Yeah. Yeah. And that's why I said at the beginning, this does not have to be complicated. It's an entire experience. So when you reverse engineer,
And again, think about that offer where you're leading people to you just take step backwards.
Okay. Well, someone that's interested in this offer, what would be the step before that? And then what would be the step before that? And that's a really great way that you can put list builders out there that are going to make sense for your people or bring again the right people into your world. And that are all going to interested in your offers.
Paul: This is more common practice and common sense. Typically, sometimes don't align and in this, this makes so much sense, but it's not common practice that a lot of times what we see when we coach people within our offers and our memberships and courses is what we see a lot of times is people will seriously go out and do all kinds of crazy things to list List-Build.
Then there'll be, then they'll come to us and say, okay, what should I offer them? And it's like, oh my goodness. Like you, you have random people that you gathered. And you don't even know what they're aligned with because you didn't start with the end in mind.
Melissa: It's like trying to throw a party without having the place picked.
Paul: Oh my goodness. Some people would probably try to do that. You know, people are driving to all kinds of diverse locations, not knowing where to go, right?
So this is something that is very keen, very important, but you know, most, I think we need to help everybody. We need to guide them. Maybe give them some type of resource to help them.
Because beginning with the end in mind means we really need to make sure that we have this ideal experience that you were talking about. So can we jam on what that is?
Melissa: Yeah. So we've made it really, really easy for you. We have our creating the perfect list, ability and experience guide. And this is going to walk you through on exactly how to create that list building experience.
That's going to bring the right people into your world, again, that reverse engineering and thinking about things that you can bring people in the right people that are going to be interested in your offers. So if you're interested in that guide will have the information in the show notes. Go to the show notes, download it.
And you can go ahead and get started with building your list the right way.
Paul: Yeah. So circling back real quick, we covered a lot. This is all about not just building a list, but also the right list building experience, bringing your people through the right people, which is very key. And how do we get the right people.
We're going to bridge backwards. We're going to start with the end in mind. And that means we going to know what we're going to offer them. So we're going to know what problems that we're solving. We know a kind of information to put in front of it so that we get then attract the right people into a world.
And from there this is going to help us make sure we don't detour people off of what they're doing in the world and then dead ending them.
We're going to create that bridge because we know where we're going to land them. We know where they're going to end. So everything that we build in front of it will bring the right people in.
Melissa: Yeah. So if you love today's episode, make sure you subscribe to the online marketing podcasts.
We have shows like this every week where we talking and jamming all on marketing and selling and sharing your offers and share it with a friend to let your friends know that we're here a jamming on these topics.
And also too, don't forget to grab that guide. You can go to the show notes.
Paul: Yes. So until we talk again, make sure you remember marketing matters.