Sometimes, we are not getting the positive feedback for our lead magnets that we initially expected.
In this episode of our Mastermind Series, we are discussing how to create lead magnets and messaging that is congruent with your audience’s pain points, struggles, and desired transformation.
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to make sure that your lead magnet is congruent with your audience's desires
- How to speak into the different stages that your audience members are in
- How to use different lead magnets to reach a wider audience
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Clark: Launching a financial coaching course, I've spent 12 years in personal finance and financial advising and recently left the corporate side to pursue this.
I'm doing the Facebook lives I thought originally I would just do one a week and then I'm like, screw it. Let me just do one a day and do five a week, you know, and, and just get out there and create some content and provide some . Value. Building my audience and helping people understand kind of where I'm coming from, who I am, my background, my story, all of that stuff.
And each of my five videos has kind of a different theme. And then I'm asking people to visit my site, which, and then turn goes to my quiz, which kind of helps people understand where they're at on their kind of financial journey. Right?
Stage one is kind of like you're overwhelmed with debt and you're, you're not really able to make much headway. And then stage five is kind of you know, more advanced in terms of saving money and, you know, building retirement and so on and so forth. So I wanted to try and create levels where people could kind of fit in.
And it also coincides with my success path on my five stages so that people have their, you know, path that they roll through over whole life of my six weeks.
Melissa: Gotcha. So you're just kinda, you're kind of looking just for some, I guess, some clarification, if you feel like it's a good strategy.
Clark: Yeah. I just kind of wanted to air that out and, and Just see good or bad what anybody would think about all of that. Excellent. Excellent. So, does anyone have any feedback kind of after hearing through there's a Mona's hand raising her hand?
Mona: Clark, this is so cool. The thing that I noticed right away is you ask them at the end of the live to visit your website, I would not ask them to visit your website. I would say, and I have got a quiz for you.
Clark: I would just tell them about the quiz and the quiz is going to be.. The quiz is not on the website, right?
Yeah. Well, it's on a separate, it's on a separate outgrow is the, is the site that I'm using to provide the quiz. So I have a link directly through outgrow, so I can just put that in the chat of my live So that they have a link to click and I can mention that right up front.
Mona: Yeah. You want to send him straight to the quiz. Cause go into website. It doesn't sound like fun or cool or anything I want to spend any time on. But if you told me that you had that quiz, I'm like, oh five stages of money, but is it the five stages where people screw up with their money?
Clark: So that's my next, I just, my wife's got a membership as well. So I just text her that same question. I'm like, I wonder if my quiz name is not a, I need to work on that because it's not very clear, you know?
Mona: Because I don't, it would be the thing that I would need. Like, where's my, where's my scary thing.
Like I need to take this quiz because I'm scary that I messed up on my money or something. And is it for people and just in general or is there a for couples or families or?
Clark: my kind of avatar is probably more, so I'd say 25 to 35. Either engaged or married couples.
Mona: Okay. So it's, it has to do with getting your money together and getting things straight before you get going.
Yeah. Yeah. See, I think your quiz name could be something really fun. Yeah. Copywriter, Ms. Melissa probably already has an idea
Melissa: just it's like, it's like for those people that are starting families, that checklist, that quiz that you have everything in order, to start your life together type thing, you know?
Clark: Yeah. I like that
Melissa: yeah. Tazeem, you have a hand up,
Tazeem: Clark when you're doing your Facebook lives one of the best ways to engage in, I found in my own group is instead of driving the traffic to something. Develop a relationship with them first. So if you say something like, you know, drop the word, hashtag quiz as an example in the comments, and I will reach out to you when you do that, you're actually creating a conversation with them, which means they learn to trust you first.
Then you can send them the link in private message. And that really builds the relationship with that individual. And when somebody comments on something that you speak to on a Facebook live that tells Facebook that you are engaging them. Yeah. So rather than drive the traffic right away, because somebody could take the quiz and then you can never see them again.
Clark: Right.
Tazeem: But if you have an opportunity to create a connection and make, build a relationship, going to put you out the gate so much further ahead than anybody else that they might go and jump off and do another quiz with that, you know, that you can really help them with. Right. Then you're developing a relationship with them.
Tazeemcl: Yeah, that's great.
Paul: Anyone else have any input? I know I have some . Do you?.
Melissa: the only thing I was going to add just to, to tag on what Mona was saying, it's just like, when it comes to like, just, you want to lead them to the thing, like the one thing. So rather than going to the website, it's always like that call to action.
It's just take, give them one call to action. So the quiz is all roads lead to the quiz. Cause if they, if they take that quiz, that's one step closer to getting to know you. You know, that's one step closer to that they're taking action that shows that they're actually interested in what you have to say.
So all roads lead to the quiz. That would be my one thing I would say. So.
Melissa: Cool. Awesome. Thank you everybody.
Paul: I'm going to give ' a few different ideas. I wouldn't put all my eggs in the quiz basket.
I know it's a shiny object, but not everybody wants to do the quiz. And even though it's gamified and think people think it's cool, it might not necessarily even the framing of what the pitch for the quiz is, it might not be the desirable transformation that they have a pain point for right now.
So you're not speaking to that, which means you're missing a lot of opportunity.
Now, since you have five stages there and you're going to lead them into a launch, I'm hoping that your launch and, or your signature offer that you're going to make to them basically goes in depth, or if you're setting them up on five stages, I'm hoping that that's actually what you're going to lead them into because you should look at what is the transformation, what's the promise of the membership of the course later on and what that is.
And then what is the desire? Like what are the common pain points? What are the struggle that your people are having? And let's just say it is the five things. That's what you're going to cover. That's what your framework's about or whatever. So then it does make the quiz with the five stages cool because it's congruent, you're bridging them into your language.
You're bridging them into understanding. So they naturally are going to want the deeper thing later on.
I would do a Facebook live where every Monday would be the one stage every Tuesday would be the second stage. Every Wednesday would be the third stage. And I would just speak to that stage because it you're going to have different people at different stages of this problem.
So some people are going to be in debt because they just got married and they have no money. You gonna have others that are in college. And they just got married and had a kid like you're going to have these different variations. So in order to grab the entire net, if you know that you're attracting people that are at this state, what are they thinking, saying, feeling doing right now at the worst case scenario, stage zero.
And then when they have the transformation inside your program over here, the desired result where life is better, what they want, where they're thinking, saying, feeling, and doing there, knowing that you have these five stages, what are they thinking, saying, feeling doing at those stages? I would speak into that per stage per one idea.
So every Monday could be your stage zero people are stage one, right? Well, what's one common problem that stage one people have, like, what are they saying themselves? Where they saying their wife, were they saying in preparation to getting married? Where are they? What is their stress point?
Just talk about one idea that they would relate to. Because that way, when somebody is watching this, they're like, oh my gosh, that's my friend. I'm going to tag her in this post. She's going through this right now. She can relate to this because you're in their head. Cause you're talking to where they're at and you're just handling one issue.
One problem. So you basically do a matrix. Every five days, you could be hitting one common problem with that stage. Cause it's always gonna be relevant to the person in that stage.
Clark: Yeah.
Paul: Now you could then say, Hey, I just talked about stage one today, but you know what? I have an incredible quiz where you can actually identify, cause I actually have five stages altogether that you need to work through.
Clark: Right
Paul: if you'd like to have an assessment to know where you're at and what you need to work on in your relationship with money, you should come over and try the quiz. Now I do that like for one week, but then the second week I would have a lead magnet, different type of one that might be a PDF, a checklist
Clark: right
Paul: prep sheet, you know, framework something because I want to grab different people. The following week, all of that might be just translated into a video, you know, like, Hey, I just shot a video the other day. And you might be at the stage. And if it is, I'd love to give you a free training, just go to blah, blah, blah.com and put in your email address.
And I'll email you out a free, it's only a 10 minute training, but it's going to help you get in, you know, right into whatever that problem is. Like, be great to the problem, right? So what you're doing is you're gathering these people. Your Facebook lives are going off, hopefully doing this on your business page, because then you're gonna be able to re target.
You're going to be able to do Facebook ads of, of all the people in all the stages that watched any video at any point in time where something resonated or their friends shared it to them. And you didn't even see where the share went because it went into a Facebook group of young moms or went into a Facebook group of newlyweds.
And you didn't even know that that share happened and you have this invisible audience that you're collecting. So then when you guide people into the launch, of course, you're gonna speak to them because this is a bridge. Between your conversations or collecting the right people, because this is what they're already thinking, saying, feeling and doing in their own world.
And you have your offer later on. So that's going to be the desire because that's how they want life to be. But that's not where life is. And because they watched your content, they've already basically identified that I'm here. This topic resonated with me, this idea that you had resonated with me, because if it didn't, I want to watch the video, then I can do a retargeting ad to all those people to bring them into my launch.
So you're collecting audience right now. You're talking about topics that they already are talking about at home, that they're already like stress points that they're already having, right. Or decisions that they're having with their parents. We don't know how to afford the photographer for the wedding.
I don't know what to do. Oh, I hope we get X amount of people. You know, what might have to cut off a couple of people from the wedding, that nice venue you wanted we're not gonna be able to get that venue. We're going to have to do this in the backyard instead, you know, like what are the conversations already having?
Can, you can speak into those things instead of being generic. But if you make your topic, if you make your five-day lives, handling something, that's a different stage. Don't do all five stages every day. Cause that's, you're trying to talk to too many things. You got one, one thing. Each time, because then it will resonate with somebody very specific and you just collected them as an audience.
So when you do these videos . From your business page, you have one year to retarget those people in a Facebook ad, so you can re target
Clark: awesome. Thank you.
Paul: One more idea. If you're, if you're up for Facebook ads right now, you can target recently engaged couples, just so you know.
So you can take, you can take that stage one video where you know this is an engaged couple and they're stressing out and they don't know what to do with the bills and how to manage things. And you know, a couple of your videos that you're doing are going to be on point. You can target recently engaged brides or grooms that are three months or less, six months or less nine months or less a year or less.
So, if you want to get them before they get all the noise everywhere else, three months or less, you're always the person coming into that audience is somebody that just changed their Facebook status to engaged in the last, like month.
Clark: Awesome.
Melissa: You're welcome.