A lot of times when it comes to our social media and the content we put out there, we wake up and we kind of reinvent the wheel every day with content that we create in the spur of the moment.
And this can make things really complicated and inconsistent.
In some cases, we get so overwhelmed, that we stop doing it altogether.
In this episode, we’re showing you step-by-step how you can create a clear and very specific content framework that will make your content creation less overwhelming, more consistent, and really lead your audience to the next opportunity to work with you.
Grab the free Content Flow Framework here!
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3 Big Take Aways
- The key parts of your content framework
- How to get people to stop scrolling & grab their attention
- How to create a predictable experience for your audience
- FREE: Content Flow Framework – Want an easy and simple way to create content? Grab our Content Flow Framework to get started with creating and delivering all of your content, whether it’s in written, audio, or video format!
- Content Creation Power Pack: What good is creating content if you don’t know what to say each day? These guides will help you create content before, during, and after all your promotions!
- Adaptive Marketing Program – Adaptive Marketing Program is an exclusive opportunity for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners to play bigger and bolder in their business and explode their bank account with more clients!
For a list of our resources & recommendations visit: https://onlinemarketingpodcast.com/learn-with-paul-melissa/
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Melissa: We're jamming on how the sauce is made behind the scenes to making our podcast part two
Paul: part two. So we have more secret ingredients?
Melissa: More secret ingredients that we're going to share,
Paul: Pulling the curtain back we're going to share what we actually do, like our actual framework or podcasts framework, so that things are not that again, we come back to heavy.
Right. And it's something like don't, we all want to feel lighter. Like don't, we all want to feel less stress. And I have to say is that when we came upon and took several different frameworks we've learned through the years and really streamlined and combined and kind of delete it and shaved off the edges and cleaned it up.
We came out with our own framework that we use these days.
Melissa: Yeah. And this works for us mostly. It helps us really with the consistency of our messaging. Because before when we were putting content out, there is a little haphazard. And so we liked that consistency and our audience likes that too.
Paul: I have to say, even having a framework helps Melissa and I stay on track when there's two of us, because you know, you, you could probably ran on, on your own and probably get away with it. But if we did not have a flow or framework, like we would be all over the place all the time.
So, but the interesting thing, when you do have a framework, when you are following a certain system, just like anything else in the world, like when you go to theater, they have three acts. Like, you would want an airplane pilot to follow a framework, right? To get you to the destination, you would want a surgeon, you know, professional to like follow a framework, a process, a system, and you'd want these things to be consistent.
Right. And a lot of times when it comes to our list building, when it comes to our social media and the things that we do, we wake up and we kind of reinvent the wheel every day and it makes things really complicated. And in some cases we get so overwhelmed, we stopped doing it.
Melissa: Yeah. Yeah. So when you can have that consistency, it gives your audience a predictable experience.
They know what to expect, and it also, it builds your list with the right people. Again, you want to bring people in that are in your list that would actually be interested in your offers and opportunities that you have on the other side. So the content that you put out there is what you're going to attract in.
So if you have an offer, you want to lead someone to, think about those topics that would naturally just lead into your offer.
Paul: Yeah. So speaking of a framework, let's talk about how we actually frame out the step-by-step process that we do when it comes to creating content.
Now that we do preplan, this, we go through this framework ahead of time and we talked about it in the other episodes where we, we actually like map this out in advance, you know, being very specific on the conversation.
But when we actually go in and we create the topic and everything, we do follow a framework and system. Do you want to go ahead? And we'll what kind of jam in on that.
Melissa: So there's a couple parts of this framework. So the first piece is the hook. That's the initial opening headline or in this case opening line that when we're talking on a podcast or video, it's going to kind of hook you in, get you interested, get you curious.
It's going to get your audience kind of having an idea of what you're going to be speaking into. .
Paul: And this goes for all kinds of content. I just want to remind you, even though we're, we're spitting and jamming on for our podcast specifically, this could be for Facebook lives. This could be for social media.
This could be for reels and, and Tik Toks and everything. . We need to interrupt that pattern. We need to get people to stop scrolling. We need to grab that attention in the hook. You really want to be clear and you want to be really, you really want to think about that.
What's going to cause somebody stop. Scrolling is very important. When we get beyond the hook though, what are we doing next?
Melissa: So next, we're going to go into some sort of discussion or story. And again, you can determine the length of what this discussion or story is going to be about, but it's a great way to, to share with your audience through examples, the point that you want to make across with your content.
Paul: Yeah. And this could be, again, this could be teaching points, some people might not be great, incredible storytellers. You might have, you know, very specific micro topic. We talk about that before teaching points, very many, topic driven, you don't have to solve everybody's problem inside of one podcast episode, like keep it very clear and very specific, and that allow you to have indefinite opportunities to speak on other topics in the future.
So we have the, hook, then we have the discussion, the story. And again, that could be your teacher will you're trainable element of what you're doing. What would be the next piece? Cause this is, this is a ninja part.
Melissa: Yeah, because this is the next piece. A lot of people forget this piece and you don't want to forget this.
You want to destroy old limiting belief and replace it with a more empowering new belief. So a lot of times the things that are stopping your audience from moving forward are those old limiting beliefs. So in . Your content whatever format you want to speak into that limiting belief, you want to speak into that challenge that they're having, and then start to reframe things and give them a new, more empowering belief that's going to help them . Get through that old belief.
Paul: Yeah. I love that. A lot of us don't realize that we are so strategy, like tactics specific with all the things we're like jamming in on our very specific topic that we have. And we forget that the mental state, the, you know, the emotional state that somebody is in.
While they're living through that problem, like how that manifests in different ways. And we need to, we need to speak into that. Like, we don't have to hit a direct hard on, we can speak in and, and when you get really good with this, you can actually share through your own experience and through story as well.
Now that's not the end of the framework
Melissa: no. So then after that, you want to give your audience something to, do you want to give them a call to action next step.
Now with this, and we'll talk into this, you don't want to tell them to do all the things cause that's a lot of things, but you just want to give them one step, one next step for them to do.
Paul: Yeah. So a lot of times we might lead people into a lead magnet, like a list builder for us that that is congruent with the actual topic. Sometimes it could be, you know, having people go out and like follow you on a social media platform, you know, or it could be, you could be in launch right now and your next step is like, Hey, go over and sign up for that sale, that offer itself.
Now that is actually not where you end though, you know? Cause that's where a lot of us expected, like, you know, you, we end the conference. It's like, oh, this is great conversation and everything. And then you ended on like a sales pitch or, you know, the call to action. And it's not really tightened up. So how do we go, where we go?
Melissa: So from there we summarize everything we talked about, and this can be, it can be done pretty quickly. You don't have to go through everything in long length at each yet, but you just want to summarize what you just talked about in that content, just to kind of, again, reiterate the topics the story those belief systems that call to action, kind of wrap it all up tight with a bow, with a nice little summary.
Paul: Yeah. And then after you do the summary, it's nice to just kind of tie it with a bell in how we do that?
Melissa: So we do a close out for that. So with that close out, it just some way that you enclose things out it might be just an ending closing statement. Just something to just end things and off you go,
Paul: sometimes it's . Just the thing that you hear, like, people are known for certain sayings.
Sometimes there's just sometimes it's a closing message or a thought provoking, you know, elements. Some people do inspirational thoughts or aspirational type things at the end, but it just kind of leaves you, it kind of like tightens up and leaves you at the end. So the one thing though is that we do have this entire framework.
We just jammed on a little bit, but there's nuances with this. So let's say it would be, it would have been really convenient, like following our method, the piece that we're missing right now. Is our call to action. Maybe we do have something that can help them with this.
Melissa: We absolutely do. We know we're not gonna leave you hanging.
So we have our content flow framework and this is our framework that we use for our content creation. We use it for our podcasts, but again, this framework can be used for any kind of content you're creating. So if you go to the show notes, you'll find the link there. You can download that framework and then you can start creating content.
That makes sense. That's intentional. And that follows this framework. That's really going to lead your audience to the next opportunity to work with you.
Paul: I love pulling the curtain back. So today was part two of the secret sauce, pulling the curtain back, showing you what we do in creating our podcasts. And I tell you what, when you, when you understand these frameworks, it allows things to be less heavy, less overwhelming allows you to be more consistent.
Stress-free when you creating this content. And one of the things really great is you'll, be predictable, you'll be consistent. And then what'll happen is following a framework people will have this repeating experience with you.
So they'll know what to expect and they'll tune in more. And we jammed on, which was really exciting
we went through the hook with our framework. We went through the discussion, which could be a story or talking points. We talked about destroying and rebuilding, limiting, you know, going from a limiting belief. Going back into an empowering new belief system, like embedding that, that takes a little bit of time for some people that that's new, then it's the next step.
Like you just gave some goodness, like, where are you going to lead people next? Like, that's so empowering because it really takes people like, wow, you really got their attention. What do they do next? And a lot of people, we ended up like going to a dead end instead of like detouring them off and giving them the next step.
But then from there, just like I'm doing now, we're going to summarize, we're going to go back and circle back and kind of tighten it all down. Just so we know when we feel complete, we'll go through that process. And then after that, bring people into some type of close out. This is really exciting. I'm really excited that we were able to jam in and pull the curtain back on what we do and what everybody can do as well.
Melissa: Absolutely. So we talk about topics like this all the time in this show, if you love what hear. Make sure you subscribe the show. So you don't miss an episode. All the things that we talk about with online marketing getting your offers out there in front of the right people. And also be sure to share it with a friend, let people know this is what we do.
We love jamming on topics like this. We would love for them to join us. And don't forget if you go to the show notes, you can go ahead and you can grab that PDF to help you with your content as well.
Paul: Wow. This is so exciting. And you know what? Here comes the next part. It's in our framework until we talk again, remember marketing matters.