A lot of times, when start marketing our offers and services, we want it to be one and done. We want it to be perfect. We want this perfect funnel to happen, this perfect method to happen.
But that just doesn't exist.
Marketing that works involves a series of tests over and over again, to try out different things, new methods, new ways to engage with your audience.
In this episode, we are discussing how you can actually duplicate success by tracking and measuring your results, specifically your conversions.
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3 Big Take Aways
- Why adapting to new trends is about more than just surviving
- How to avoid getting caught off-guard by change
- How to stay ahead of your competitors
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Melissa: We are jamming on our number one marketing method.
Paul: Oh my goodness. The number one, not like number 12, but we're doing like the number one marketing method?
Melissa: Number one marketing method.
Paul: Okay. So this has to be like a big, huge, like, probably like a 25 or $50 word, you know, it's not going to be like something really simple, right?
Melissa: Let's let's think on that. No, it actually is quite simple.
Paul: But if, but if it's simple, will it work?
Melissa: Actually simple does work a lot of times we complicate things way too much.
Paul: I tell you, what is this? Cause I feel like we're complicating this.
Melissa: Marketing is testing. That is our number one marketing method.
Paul: Really? Wait, what do you mean by testing?
Melissa: So testing. Again, trying new things. A lot of times when we'd go out there and with our marketing, we want it to be one and done. We want it to be perfect. We want this perfect funnel to happen, this perfect method to happen.
And that just doesn't exist.
True marketing marketing that works involves a series of tests over and over again, to try out different things, new methods, new ways to engage with your audience.
And that's how you're really going to perfect it and hone in on that message to get people to your offers.
Paul: Yeah. So I'm just trying to think, like, you know, in our real life, Outside, because I know we all want that easy button. We just want to do one and done, like you said, in like, Ooh, this is the perfect, you know, I just came up with the perfect ad while I was staring at this ad manager.
And like, I'm just gonna make all these millions of dollars just going to start rolling in like crazy. And then the market gives us feedback and it's not what we thought. Have we had any experiences like that in a real world that maybe we could relate this to.
Melissa: Absolutely, there is testing that is happening all the time, for example, taste testing.
Like if you want to try something out, you're going to taste it and make sure, you know, it agrees with you. It's the right flavors. As you're cooking something, doesn't need a little bit more of this and does need a little bit more of that? You're going to taste it and test it along the way
Paul: I test with my eyes a lot, like taste tests with my eyes.
I'm like, oh, I ain't eating that. That tastes horrible because I eat, I can't describe it. Or. you just describe it to me. I don't even want to try it, but that, isn't that interesting though, like in the real world, you know, just like you said, like with taste testing, like how many of us, you know, we've experienced that where we assumed something is, you know, we see, we read something on the menu and like the marketing of the menu is like, oh, this is awesome.
I'm going to, I'm going to get this. And then, then the order comes in. It's like right in front of. And we're like, Ugh, this is not what I thought it was going to be.
Melissa: Absolutely has it happened for us. And the thing is with testing again, we do this in the real world. We do this all the time with taste testing, test driving a car, like all the different things that, you know, you want to try things out.
But then when it comes to our marketing, for some reason, we think, okay, we're going to get it this perfect. Right on the first try and it's going to be amazing. And a lot of times it's not, it doesn't quite lay out that way. I mean, sometimes it can, but a lot of times real true marketing that connects with your people involves a series of tests , yeah.
Paul: I'll tell you in the, in the real world, when it comes to like swimming and like I put my little toe in the pool, I'm just like, eh, nah, I think I got to wait.
I think sometimes I had to jump in after, after I do that, I psych myself out. But the interesting thing, when you do test and when it comes to marketing, right, this is where you can adjust where you're getting market feedback.
You're getting that feedback loop. And when you have that feedback loop, you know, what that does, that gives you perspective they didn't have before, because a lot of us are like in our bubble where like in our thing, we have our perspective.
We know what our people want. We are, we know what they need.
It's definitely like, we know what they need. We've got to give them this. And you know, we're tired of everybody's selling other things to them. Right?
And then we put it out into the marketplace. And again, we want that one and done.
We want that perfectionism and you know what happens a lot of times that at least that I see is that people feel rejected. You know, they, they finally, they feel vulnerable. They, they did a launch or promotion. They put their offer out there because they were seeking that perfection, that one and done, like you were saying, and then crickets, you know, the tumbleweed that, you know, that going across the screen that like, oh my goodness, like what is going on?
And what happens though is, I want you to really embrace that moment because in that moment, when you get that market feedback, you now have new perspective. You have experience they did not have before. Thank goodness. What was it? Is it Edison did the light bulb like over 10,000 times? And there's like, I, you know, it just, it was 9,999 times that it didn't work and that just eliminated choices.
Thank goodness, because we have this light on, on our faces right now. If you're watching the video, if you're on the podcast, are you catching this on audio? Thank goodness for you.
Melissa: Yeah, but the thing is, is that it's so hard not to take it personally, but really when something doesn't go right with that launch, with that promotion, something's just not lined up right.
In between, again, we always are talking about aligning your. Your offer and your messaging. And again, we have to test these things against each other to really make sure we get those results.
So don't take it personally. It's just, something's just not lining up. Right? You're on audiences and quite connecting with that message, or maybe it's the wrong offer for them.
Something's just not quite clicking. And that's again where the, when you have the testing and you're trying different things, you can really line it up and give the market, give your audience what they want.
Paul: And if you think about it coming back to that cooking example, right. You, if you taste tests at something you wouldn't like throw 15 different ingredients.
And go, oh, is this right? And that's what a lot of people do when they are testing their marketing. That's a lot of a big mistake that a lot of people make. So when it comes to testing, make sure you test one element at a time. So I just, I just remember the other night we were with your, your mom and dad and, and it was funny because both of them.
We had, we, we got some soup from, from an external source and both of them ate at separately and they came back and they had the exact same feedback. They're like, what did they say?
Melissa: Too much salt.
Paul: Right. So it's like, like that was, that was real good feedback. Right? And it's something. We change too many things when we're doing testing and then what happens?
We don't really know what to adjust , so in that case, like they would make, if they wanted that soup as an example, to be better, like they would change the recipe a little bit and just pull back on that salt. But if they changed like five different things that they just got the general feedback, like, oh, like this is off, this is wrong.
Nobody likes it. Then they wouldn't have had that consistent feedback just to make that one change.
So in marketing, Like what would be an example of something that somebody could change?
Melissa: So again, if we're talking about ads, it could be as simple as the image, like if you're doing an ad with an image and maybe, you know, that image does a connect with the audience, but you could change it to a different image.
Keep everything else, the same, the headline, the copy, but just change the image and see if one image connects better than the other. That's just a really simple thing that you could do.
But again, you won't know if you're switching out everything then you won't know what really made the difference.
Paul: Yeah. I, I can remember back when we did our ads challenge originally and I had a video that I was very proud of and I was on it and I was like, ah, right. And, and on this landing page in a converted at a certain number, we won't say what the number is. It was kind of low. And I was like, you know what, I'm going to test this out and we're going to change it from a video to an image.
Now that image was still me. Okay. It was all about me. I'm sorry. You know, I'm guilty. Aren't we all? Right? And then what happens is the, the image did convert slightly. Then then that video. So this is just one element that we changed back and forth on this opt-in page, but you know, a really made it take off, unfortunately is when I removed the image of me.
And what did you put there instead? Do you remember?
Melissa: We put an image of, of two ladies looking at a computer screen and the man that converted. Yeah, it was close to it, but I actually think it was a little over 50% conversion on that. And the number was not that high when it was my video or what it was my image.
Paul: Now that was just one element. And I want you to think about that because if I, if we went in, in, like we changed the headline and changed the copy and changed the button and in the image or the video, and let's say it did convert a little bit better, we would not have been able to identify which piece actually moved the needle.
Melissa: Yeah. That's why it's so important. Just to do one element at a time test, one thing at a time, just like the soup, the salty soup to eat out. Same thing with your marketing, one thing at a time. So then you can really understand what's connecting with your audience, what's not, and then change.
Paul: Yep. So instead of getting salty, let's think about this.
Let's go back to the beginning here and just remember. Marketing is testing, and you really need to ingrain that into your world and embrace it this so vitally important. And when you look at that, that's like our number one marketing tip. And you know why? Because it's a feedback loop. It's the perspective of the world.
Reflecting back to us, our alignment of our offer of our audience alignment and the messaging that bridges those two things together. So we really want to focus on that is to make sure that we're testing one thing at a time, just so we can see a different parts of her face. What is moving that needle.
What's going to get that conversion up a little bit better.
Melissa: Awesome. Awesome. So I know we have something exciting.
Paul: What would that be?
Melissa: So this is our adaptive method course. And this is again, if you are really wanting to know. More about testing looking at your, funnels, looking at your entire marketing process, this is our signature course to really give you those foundational pieces
Paul: Yeah. And it's beyond that. This is what you can put. It doesn't matter what ad platform you're on. This is universal truth that helps you with the buyer and the process that they're in, like where they are in the stage of their journey. And then making sure with our marketers map inside of this program, that you're going to be able to message them properly.
And again, that way you have, you can message differently at different stages and do some testing, and we'll actually walk you through on how to properly do those tests because so many people do this wrong. And I'm telling you, if you can tweak this in what's really great is you'll spend less time, less energy, less effort, less money advertising, and you'll amplify.
It'll be like a hockey stick. You'll amplify the results. You'll be able to scale your efforts because you'll have everything really tuned in. You'll be talking to people right where they are in their own. The right way. So you don't alienate people. And again, with testing, we're going to just get that message aligned.
You're going to get the offer aligned just so you get those conversions. I'm really excited about this.
Melissa: We'll make sure that we include the information on that in the show notes. And again, remember subscribe to the show and share with a friend because we love jamming on things like this. This is again about really perfecting your marketing messaging.
Testing is a big piece of it. So we have conversations like this on the show where we're going to really help.
Paul: Yeah. So again, head over and join us in the adaptive method. Now here's the thing until we talk again, remember adaptive marketing matters.