None of us like change.
We'd like to do things the same way we've always done them because it's predictable and reliable.
But if we don't adapt to some of these changes that are happening in marketing, especially as marketing shifts and evolves, then we’ll be left behind.
In this episode, we are discussing how to shift and adapt to changes by keeping an open mind and leaning in to new opportunities that will give us a competitive advantage.
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3 Big Take Aways
- The difference between “On-platform” and “Off-platform”
- The benefits of “on-platform” advertising and promoting
- The new types of sales funnels
FREE: The perfect Ad Framework: Use this framework to properly plan your ad so you create the most effective and highest converting ads possible!
200 Headline Templates: More high converting headline templates to use in your marketing campaigns, more potential engagement and click throughs, more opportunities to captivate your audience and lead them to your offers!
Adaptive Marketing Program: For online entrepreneurs, service providers, & business owners who want predictable results and more sales, easier and faster.
Whether you're moving at a turtle's pace or racing at rabbit speed with your business…
…we'll help you create a strategic marketing plan, run successful ad campaigns, optimize your copy for more conversions, and get more sales and clients!
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Melissa: Okay. I want you to stop and not do another Facebook ad until you hear it.
Paul: Oh my goodness. So many things have changed when it comes to Facebook ads. We hear and we see the sky is falling and things have changed and it's never going to go back to how it was. And where am I conversions? Where my ads, what are they doing?
They're costing us so much. We hear it over and over and over again. Okay. There's something that we need to focus on. Melissa, do you know what that is?
Melissa: About on platform versus off platform? And I know you're going to dive deep into this because this is where people get very confused.
Paul: What in the world is "on platform" and "off platform"?
That's a great question, Glen. I asked myself that, so here's the thing. You have to understand is that one thing that is consistent in marketing is that things change. Okay? Things change and just embrace that, be okay with it. Be adaptable. That's very important these days.
Now this is going to be very key when you're doing your Facebook ads and that's why we wanted to address it today.
So when you have on the platform ads and this isn't exclusive to Facebook, this is everything everywhere as these privacy things start changing more and more. And this is like government bodies as well. Things like apple and other, services out there is what you want to lean in on.
What you really want to focus on is that we can retarget when you have people "on platform".
Now, Melissa, you know what, at on platform, like, do you know any examples? I know we've talked about. I know I geek out on this all the time. I'm just not sure if you catch it.
Melissa: No, I, I think I got you on this, so on-platform really has to do anything with the app itself. So whether it's Facebook, Instagram, whatever app or website that you're working on, that is "on platform".
Paul: Yeah. So if you think about it, when you're on your facebook app and you're scrolling because you're judging your friends. You know what you're doing? You're looking at all the things.
When you watch a video, when you click on the link, when you do things inside of, and you stay on the app, when you stay on facebook.com as an example, that is "on platform", that means all the activity that you do.
Facebook itself and or Google or YouTube or IG or whatever, like they can track that still now where they lose some of that tracking information because of all the privacy settings, all the changes, the iOS updates, all the things is when somebody goes off of platform. Do you understand, do you remember what.
"Off the platform" it's off the platform has anything to do that's not on the platform itself. And like you said, it's where it's not tracked. So you just wanna think about on platform you're on the platform you're using it. You're on that website. That's where they can, you know, you can track things a little bit easier and off you're you're off the platform and you can't track it as easily.
Yeah. So for instance, on like Instagram and Facebook, like if somebody watches a video that's actually embedded inside of Facebook, or IG itself. That is a retargeting audience. That means you can retarget those people, but if they leave IG, if they leave Facebook and they go onto your website and in the past, we used to be able to track that really well and be able to retarget those people, not a hundred percent, but we did a pretty decent these days because of everything has shifted, everything's changed.
And we kind of lose a lot of that information and or that information is delayed, which means that we're not getting a real time, true picture of what somebody is really doing.
So what we want to do and our tactics, you know, the strategies, again, always stay the same. It's the tactics
it's like out with the old, right. You need to accept, he need to embrace what's new. Like, what is the future of marketing on all these social media platforms? That is on platform advertising and promoting.
Melissa: Yeah. And I think the important thing to remember as you're dealing with these new changes, new things is like we said, at the beginning, the sky's not falling.
No one likes change. None of us like change. We'd like to do things the same because it's predictable. It's reliable with what we've always done.
But if we don't adapt to some of these changes that are happening in marketing, especially as marketing shifts and evolves, then we're gonna be left behind.
So it's all about being open-minded knowing that and you just have to shift and adapt and have an open mind. So some of these new things that are happening so that you can really get what it is that you do out in front of the ideal audience that you're trying to attract.
Paul: Yeah. So really lean in and shift your marketing strategies. Again, we want to be adaptive, right.
And what we would do is we want to lean into new opportunities that are in platform, on platform opportunities. We can retarget people. We can guide people from complete strangers into an informed buying decision to be that raving fan client of ours for all of us, right by keeping and moving them through a new way of doing funnels, not the old traditional way of funnels, but the new way of funnels is guiding them into that informed buying decision, being able to re target them.
Because again, keep in mind, not everybody woke up this morning going, oh, I want to buy your thing. So they're not ready, willing, and able in this moment. But what we can do is we can gather that audience, we can guide people in and it's even better, even easier these days to stay on platform. So again, just want to remind you, you know, the old way old is out, embrace the new we're going to accept.
We're going to look instead of just doing all the things that we used to do in the past, which is a lot of off-platform retargeting. We're going to pull people in on platform. There's so many different, incredible things that you can do on planet. To really warm up that audience, get them into that buying mode.
So they don't think of anybody else in the world. They think of you first. And with all of that, again, just be adaptive, be evolving and shifting and changing and leaning into that. Now a lot of people have been asking Melissa and I like, okay, this sounds cool. But do you have like what a new ad funnel?
Like what these new types of funnels look like. And I think we might've put something together for you.
Melissa: Of course we did. So we have our new perfect ad framework, and this is really going to help you map out ads in this new adaptable way. So again, keep in mind of the changes, the things that are happening, how to really map this out so that you can get what it is that you do in front of the right people and bringing them into your world.
And again, keeping in mind some of these changes that are happening right now
Paul: Yes, so it's vitally important. Again, you need to embrace where things are shifted. We need to lean into these new and different opportunities that have been presented. And keep in mind we say this all the time, your competitors are going to get frozen.
They're going to stop. They're going to freeze in their tracks, paralyze themselves, and they're going to be left behind. And that leaves less market noise. That allows us that are adaptable to lean in on these brand new opportunities.
So really excited for you to get that download.
Melissa: Yes. I think this is a great message for us all to hear, to remember, to be adaptable.
And we're so excited that you're here joining us today again, on the show, please subscribe to the show and share with your friends, let them know this is what we talk about all about online marketing, being adaptable, new ways of marketing, new ways of giving our products, services, courses, memberships, all those things out to the world.
Paul: Yeah. So you know what we always say until we talk again, remember marketing matters