It does take a lot of effort to get one single client.
And that's often the hardest lift, but then once you get that client in your world, then it is up to us to give them more opportunities for them to work with us.
In this episode, we are discussing how you can create more than just one transaction per client by adding touchpoints to your current programs and offerings to give them different opportunities to work with you.
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to create more sustainability in your business with less effort
- Why you need more than just one transaction per client
- How to raise the average ticket value of each client
- FREE: Top Membership Niches Guide – Grab our Top Membership Niches Guide to learn more about the best and most lucrative types of memberships and get started with brainstorming how to create the right membership for your business!
- Make It a Membership – a program showing you exactly what you need to do in order to turn your offer or your idea into a successful membership.
- Adaptive Marketing Program – Adaptive Marketing Program is an exclusive opportunity for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners to play bigger and bolder in their business and explode their bank account with more clients!
For a list of our resources & recommendations visit: https://onlinemarketingpodcast.com/learn-with-paul-melissa/
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Melissa: We are jamming on how to make more money, your business with less effort.
Paul: Less effort? This is incredible because I think we all want that. Right? We want to be sipping that Mai Tai out on the beach.
Melissa: Laptop lifestyle,right?
Paul: Well, you know what? I was always, I always question about that cause it's like, if things are that good, I don't know if I want to bring the laptop to the beach.
I think I would like to be, I'd have better boundaries. So let's, let's get into this. I want to jam on this. So we, this is how to make more with less effort.
So one of the ways that we can pull in more revenue into our business, Melissa, what is the first tip?
Melissa: The first thing is getting more clients and this is what a lot of people, just their go-to is what they think is they have to get more clients and yes, you know, getting more clients in your business is an awesome thing.
It allows you to serve an even bigger audience. And we're also going to jam on some other ways, again, to have less effort, because if you stay in that more client mood over time, you're gonna burn out.
Paul: Yeah. And this is where we see most of the people is they're out there. They're working, they're hustling, they're grinding.
They're doing all the things just for that one transaction. Right? So what happens? They're going out, they're working hard, they're working hard, they're working hard and wow. They finally have a buyer. They have some, you know, they could be selling a course, a membership. They could be, you know, selling into any type of product.
But then once that person consumes it, then it's like, poof, gone. Now, what do they have to do to get the next sale? They had to go out and they get to create a whole nother client all over again. Like how sustainable is that? Right? If, if, cause we would live or breathe, that's where the peaks and valleys come prompts.
Because depending on that last promotion you did in that, I have to say that's where we see a lot of people in our social media feeds. It always seems like they're in a position. Like, Hey, buy my thing today. Oh, by this weekend. Oh, I got another sale. Because what are they trying to do? They're trying to create that new client every single time.
Now that's definitely something we need to have. We need to have a constant stream of clients in, but there's other ways of making more revenue with less effort.
Melissa: Absolutely. Yeah. So the second way, and this is an area that we love to spend time in is spending more per transaction. So what is it. It does take a lot of effort to get that client in.
And that's often the hardest lift, but then once you get that client in your world, that is up to us to give them more opportunities for them to work with us. So have more than one transaction. This is where you can add on things to your current programs and offerings to give them different opportunities to work with you.
And again, it's going to give them an even better transformation because they're going to work with you in different ways. You're going to help them solve different pain points, different challenges that they have, and in the long run for you. They're spending more with more transactions. So it's bringing more into your business.
Paul: So think about that, the average ticket. So the average ticket value, like raising that up. So instead of looking at that one transaction and we see this in like fast food, like, oh, supersize it. Right?
You know, then we see it in like our restaurant lives, like, you know, we'll go out and the server would be like, While you're looking at the menu, let me start you off with some drinks.
And then sometimes they might suggest a drink, by name brand. Right. So what's that brand do that, that brings their average value of that ticket up. And then while you're you're making that order and they bring it back to like, oh, what would you like to start with? What appetizers. And it's like, you know, you just came in for that main meal, but suddenly now you have a drink.
Now you have an appetizer. And then by the end, you're doing an after dinner drink or you're doing a coffee or something and, or you're having a dessert. So when they bundle all that together, it can, it was at one, you know, you, that was one visit that you came in. But the average ticket value was much higher.
And we see this in a lot of spaces. Cheese just saw this recently at the dentist. I think Melissa, Melissa might own, you guys know that we talked about another episodes that, that we tried that Quip membership before the electric, but now Melissa owns like a $200 toothbrush, you know? And it's like, and how did she get it?
Because when we're at the dentist, just doing a normal checkup, guess what they did, they up-sold Melissa.
I brought the average value up, you know, and a lot of us are just missing that opportunity, but, you know, So there's more clients. Like we can bring more people in the door and that's what we're going to do as a business owner. We're going to drive more business in, but again, that's how sustainable is.
Like, if you're always in that 11th hour sale and trying to pull people in, we need to get that average ticket up. That's the second way getting that average ticket up, because then again, if you think about it, when you have people paying more per time that they visit or transaction that they have, what happens is you're making more money with less clients, right?
So that is very, very important. Now there might be a third way that we can bring in more revenue.
Melissa: Yes, there is a third way. And this is a really awesome part of the business too, that we have and incorporate in all of the programs that we have is having your people come back more often having repeat customers.
So this is a way having them coming back. A more recurring revenue coming into your business. And again, it allows you to serve your audience and your customers at a higher level.
They're coming back more often. So there's more transactions that are coming more frequent. So you're again, it's adding to your business as well.
Paul: Yeah. So I can think about like we have a good friend Ernesto that does detailing and a very loyal. So over the years, You know, he comes in and details our cars. And then what ends up happening is it's been close to a decade. Like he comes back over and over again and, and does a car cause he does an incredible job.
Right? So the lifetime value is him coming back. He didn't have to recreate us as a client. Like he, the value of us over the long haul is incredible. On a different end on the day-to-day though. We might not decal the car, the car wash. If you think about it, like, are we just going to go there once now we're going to go there over and over again.
And what's really interesting though, is when we start to notice all the car washes in our area, they have flipped over because they know this, they flipped over instead of like waiting for your car to be dirty type thing. They flipped over until membership model where for a lower monthly fee. So here's the interesting thing.
So for like one or sometimes like one to two car washes, You know, underneath, like in between that number, you get unlimited for the entire month. It's like, oh my gosh, this is such a no brainer. Right. But what they, what do they know? They know that we're probably not going to be there, you know, two, three times a month.
And they also know is like, Ooh, the mass majority of people that will take this offer, you know, like they're going to net more money because why are higher, higher lifetime value? Like we're spending more money per transaction. We're going right to the top. And I'm wondering if there's other people and other things in our world that do memberships, just like this.
Melissa: Yeah. Memberships are everywhere. And we love to talk about memberships because we've seen how much it's transformed people's lives. So and again, we've, we've shared the things in our own world, but just people that we know and how they take what they do and turn it into a membership. It's really awesome to see the transformation that they provide for the people.
So one person I can think of right off the top of my is Noel. She is actually a part of our inner circle and she has a membership that focuses on daycare providers and providing them business tips and how to run daycare centers all over the world.
Paul: Yeah. So if you think about it, for that market, right?
There's a lot of struggles. A lot of things have changed over the last several years in that world. And a lot of people struggle that actually have those type of businesses and on her end, she, you could put a course out into the marketplace, right. And then what happens? You have to go out. There's only so many daycare owner, preschool, daycare providers out there.
So if they consume your course once, like they're one and done, right. They're going to be moving on. But if you have coaching support, ongoing training, you know, things that are relevant, evolving all the time, like she has an incredible, perfect opportunity to have a membership model. That for her people that are tuned in, they're like part of a community.
They have similar messaging and they're now becoming more profitable as daycare owners. That's, that's such an incredible opportunity for them, . We might have a couple other industries that we can speak into
Melissa: because again, memberships come in all forms and shapes and sizes. So another person that I could think of is April, who is also another inner circle.
So April has a program for Pilates, but it's very specific because it's Pilates for mature bodies, which I think is just the coolest thing. These are. Yeah. These are women that are in a different season of their life.
So she focuses on their movement and giving them programs that they can incorporate more of these Pilates moves so that they can have really, you know, healthy lives and create more movement and function into their lives using Pilates.
And she has this as a membership model as well to really serve these members too.
Paul: yeah. And what's great about hers, it it's a hybrid, so it's online as well as in our local community, she has a location and she's made this a hybrid model. So that she's able to have them come in physically and it's also online and there's a blend in between as well.
Melissa: That's really cool.
It's really cool. And then another person that I can think of two totally different Eleanor and Andrew who are inner circle members and they teach surfing, which is the coolest thing. They, they, they travel the world. They teach surfing to beginners, intermediate people in, in with. It's the coolest thing and they have never shipped for it.
Paul: Yeah. And it's really awesome. Like they, they launched a course called surfing for every body. So it's not just a fit person, but like everybody. And if you think about, so they have that as a lead in the people come into the world, they have an incredible social media following. It's really fun. Travel the world and surfing credible locations, but they also do retreats.
So they had from one end over here, like these courses and small offers, and then over here they had their retreats and it was like the middle piece. There was something that was missing in the middle to get the right people prepared and in-tune to be ready to go on those retreats that are all, I think they're in the Maldives recently.
Melissa: I love watching. I love watching their travels, but it's the coolest thing. And then we've shared just a, just a couple of memberships and we're just scratching the surface here. But as you can see, memberships are everywhere, sort of all different types of people. It just a way of how can you incorporate a membership into your life, into your business?
That's going to serve your people, even at a higher level, give them touch points, give them support. And there's lots of creative ways to do that.
Paul: And again, memberships is one of those things that feeds in what we're talking about here today and is that's how to make more revenue, bring more revenue into your business. So you have more sustainability with less effort.
So if you think about it, that taps into the lifetime value of a client, because again, that recurring income that comes in, that's the average sale is higher than again, people coming back in a, in a, in a virtual way, in a way, because they have that membership that's happening. The average price point potentially can be higher because of what you're offering.
And then you, you don't have to attract as many people. You don't need these big, huge social media followings. Like you can actually serve less people, make more money and have a bigger impact. This is so incredible.
Melissa: That sounds good to me. Less, less effort, bigger impact.
Paul: So Melissa, do we have something because not everybody knows that their business is like aligned for a membership.
Like they're, they're just like struggling, like, eh, is that membership really right for me? Do we have anything for them?
Melissa: Of course we do. We do. So we have a guide to really help you determine if your niche is a good fit for a membership. So I'll make sure you go into the show notes, download that guide. It will help walk you through it.
As we shared here, we had lots of niches that just examples of a couple of different niches. So you'll get a chance to check it out and see if it's right for you. So go to the show notes and you can download that. Start doing some research.
Paul: Yeah. So jump in on that. I tell you, cause again, recurring income, having not there's peaks and valleys in your world in your life.
Cause that'll just bring so much less stress to yourself. You'll be able to serve and show up for your people, even better looking and hopefully today's episode opening your mind up to these new and different opportunities for you. So you can bring more clients in, but not get burned. You can have a higher ticket value again, and then also that recurrent getting the transactions that come over and over again.
Melissa: Love it, love it.
So this was an amazing episode as always. So please, if you love what you hear here, I'll make sure you subscribe the show, share it with a friend. We are jamming here all the time about online marketing. We love to talk about this. So share it with a friend and make sure you just subscribe to the show.
Paul: Yeah. And until we talk again, remember marketing matters.