A lot of times, as human beings we'll buy on emotion and then we'll justify through logic.
In this episode, we are discussing how you can create high converting headlines and copy that connect with your audience on an emotional as well as on a logical level and how to keep your audience’s attention after your headline.
Get a head start with our 50 High Converting Headlines Templates!
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to create headlines and copy that connect with the logical and emotional mindset
- How to keep your audience's attention after your headline
- How to include your personality into your headlines
FREE: 50 High Converting Headlines Templates – Grab your 50 High Converting Headlines Templates to customize and use on your own marketing campaigns
Content Creation Prompts for AI: From crafting compelling headlines to creating persuasive calls-to-action, these prompts have got you covered. Plus, they'll save you time and effort by providing a clear and concise direction for your content.
Adaptive Marketing Program: For online entrepreneurs, service providers, & business owners who want predictable results and more sales, easier and faster.
Whether you're moving at a turtle's pace or racing at rabbit speed with your business…
…we'll help you create a strategic marketing plan, run successful ad campaigns, optimize your copy for more conversions, and get more sales and clients!
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Melissa: So today we are jamming all on high converting headlines.
Paul: You mean not low converting?
Well, but no, but you know what? I think a lot of us like low converting headlines. Cause I think that's what our sales feel like a lot of times.
And this is where we're going to separate that and pull the curtain back and help you out so that they are high converting.
Melissa: Yeah, we've been jamming a lot about this. And remember with headlines, it's all about grabbing your audience's attention and then keeping their attention too, because there's a lot of noise out in the market.
There's a lot going on. So that headline is at one key piece. That's going to get them into your world and let them know what you do and what you offer and how you can help them.
Paul: Yeah. You know, what's really interesting with copy and also when we specifically talk about headlines is I, we have to really understand like, A couple of parts of our mind that actually process this information.
So we have the logical side.
Melissa: Yes, the logical , the detailed oriented mind that's checking all the boxes, making sure they know all the details.
Paul: And then there's the emotional side.
Melissa: And those are the heart centered ones that make the decisions from the heart. And I think we, I think for all of us, we have both of those aspects, but there are definitely, there's a pull to one or the other for most people.
Paul: Yeah. In your audience, you're going to have some people that are logical like they lean more logically, so they're going to make and process their information in what you give them as far as like, is that going to grab attention? Well, if it's a logical thinker and you have a really emotionally based headline, it might not actually connect with them.
They might be like, ah, I don't know. And the same in reverse, which I think is really interesting. Now, most of the have, have you done maybe like a logical, you know, headline or like an email or, you know, copy recently that you might be able to give an example of this?
Melissa: Absolutely, a great example of logical would be FAQ's for those detail oriented people, a headline, as simple as like we're answering your frequently asked questions, and that's where you go in and you answer those questions.
You give them the details, you give them just everything that they want to know, all the details about your offer. So FAQ's is a great way to really speak to that logical mind. It also makes them just feel reassurance and that you've got their back and you're answering all their questions.
Paul: You know, what's really interesting though, is that I see a lot of marketing in general, where it's very matter of fact, just like that, where all the copy, the headline and all the copy stays in that logical mind. Like, Hey, I have a course and it's this many modules this many weeks, and this is I'm giving you hours and hours of this and blah, blah, blah, and all the support.
And, and they don't touch on the other side, which is the emotional mind, which is actually where the majority of people actually purchase. We might not want to admit, but the emotional mind is what gets us off the fence a lot of times and making that investment is, can you give me maybe like an example maybe in our copy or any of those programs.
Melissa: Yeah we just tested this recently with one of our courses high converting challenges and the headline that I used was explode your bank account with high-converting challenges.
Now that got a lot of attention because yes, in our businesses, we want more clients. We want better business. We want to build a business that serves us, but exploding our bank account. Like that's like, woo. That's exciting. And we got a lot of attention.
Paul: Yeah. and that's what you want to think about, like that grabs attention.
Right. And then it's the copy rate below will support that headline. And it'll keep people in that emotional state, because what happens if you think about the, the, the logical mind is like, what do you mean about that? I don't trust this. Right. We've a lot of times as human beings we'll buy on emotion and then we'll justify through logic.
So this is something that's really important to do. And this, by keeping us in mind when you do your headlines, because I know a lot of times you probably think. You probably bought a lot of things and it's hard to reflect back on that and you're like, oh, I'm not going to do that, that's salesy.
Like I'm going to be different. And for a lot of us, I always in the back of my mind, I'm like, how's that working out for me? You know? By being the outlier, a lot of times it's like, oh, okay, I need to look at you. Human beings are human beings and we're going to buy on emotion.
Melissa: Yeah, it's important that we mix it up a little bit, play around with it.
Understand that not everyone woke up wanting your thing. So sometimes you know, that logically straightforward approach does work. Other times we have to do work towards that emotional piece and talking to those pain points, talking to the desire that your audience wants. And that's going to lead them more into your world and get them interested in what you have to say again.
It's about keeping that attention once you, once you grab them.
Paul: Yeah. and as Melissa said, not everybody woke up right today thinking, I mean, what we wish everybody woke up today thinking about are things. That means some of those hard hitting, like buy my thing. Now, headlines, you know, that are very logical mind based is going to turn the majority of your audience off because they're not ready, willing, and able they are not in position.
So we need to, but if you're aspirational, if you're talking about a pain point, they live in that or they wish life was that way. So when you get them in that emotional mind state, it's like, even if they're not ready, willing, and able, they still like share that emotion, that feeling. And it's like, they can, they can see themselves there.
Even if they can't buy your thing today, they're going to follow you and they're going to save, they're going to prep up. They're going to be ready for your next launch, which I think is very important.
Melissa: Yeah. It's also important to remember that you don't have to be professional copywriter to do that. I mean, I've been writing headlines for some time now, and it's, it's a practice, but as you're doing this more and more, you're going to start to integrate some of your personality.
So again, whether it's emotional, whether it's logical insert your personality into your headlines, if you have a hobby, like if you love movies, how can you give the headlines with your offer with maybe a little movie spin, or if there's something else that inspires you, how can you incorporate that as well and practice and have fun and be creative with it?
Because again, the more that you practice, the more that you do this, the better you're going to get at it build that muscle for your headline building as well. And then again, it's going to attract a different audience into your initial.
Paul: Yeah. And you know, what's interesting is in our lives, we talked before in other spaces about like in the grocery store line, you know, you see those magazines there at the 11th hour.
A lot of us are inundated with copy all the time. Like it's, you know, by driving down the road, you see a billboard that catches your eye. You're listening to the radio one ad perks you up and you're like, you're, you're in transcendent. And or you find yourself opening a magazine and you're, you're pulled in on an ad. You don't know why.
Have you ever had one of those commercials? Like on TV, it's like you're zoned out, but then some of these commercials like hit you emotionally and you it's a commercial, right? You're like, you're like, you're like tear going down your face. You're like, oh my gosh. Like how they hooked me in in that moment.
There's copy. There are headlines around us all the time. So I definitely recommend create what's called a swipe copy file. That's where your screen grabbing, or maybe set up a separate email account. You're purposely getting these advertisements in because you don't have to reinvent the world. You do not have to be a professional copywriter.
You have it within yourself to create high converting headlines that create high converting copy. You know, what I'm really excited about is Melissa and I put together a really sweet freebie for you to help you along that path. Melissa, you wanna talk about that?
Melissa: We have our 50 high converting headlines template.
Paul: This is going to get you started with writing those headlines, especially if you're just getting into this and you're having like a little bit of that brain freeze of what exactly do I write? The templates gonna help you to get started and then you can get that creativity going and you can add a little bit of flare to it, about your personality, getting that vibe and what you bring to it.
So we are going to have a copy of that PDF for you to grab in the show notes. So you can grab that and you can start writing those headlines and use them all over the place. Use them on your emails, use them on your pages, grabbing that attention of your audience and keeping their attention.
Yeah. So what I recommend is you grab those templates, right?
And that's your starting point. But then as you get your swipe copy, and you're in the real world to start making your own templates, start looking at other industries, other opportunities, and just have your own running list so that you don't have to have writer's block. You don't have to be professional copywriter.
Like the copy is already out there. There's centuries of copy that has helped people guided them into an informed buying decisions throughout the years. And you can just leverage on that, that mind, trust that brain trust that's out there already in the world.
This is really fun today because we don't want to have low converting headlines, right?
Melissa: No, not low converting right now. So make sure if you love the show, please subscribe to the show, share it with a friend. I'll let them know that we do this because we love jamming on topics with your online business.
Paul: Yeah. So it's all about online marketing and you know what? Stay tuned because marketing matters. We'll see you the next episode.