In this episode of our Mastermind Series, we are discussing how you can make the most out of your Facebook events by strategically inviting and targeting people to drive interest and traffic, as well as creating audiences for your future ads.
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to effectively invite people to your event
- How to create catchy event names
- How to use Facebook events to create audiences for your future ads
FREE: Perfect Ad Frameworks: Use this FREE series of 3 PDFs that will guide you to create effective Facebook ads
Ads Quickstart Program: The Ads Quickstart Program is a self-study program to get you up and running with your Facebook ads. Each week we'll cover the foundational steps to properly set up your account in order to run Facebook ads.
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Melissa: I'm going to move to the next question with Patty.
Patty: I have a quick question. I'm wondering if anybody has used Facebook events when they do a challenge or mini course. Cause I realized that most of my people are online and those are the kinds of things that I can share into groups, even if I can't sell into those groups and wondering about people's experience with that and if they have any advice on how to leverage that.
Melissa: Excellent
Paul: great question. So has anybody leveraged Facebook events in your launch or your promotions to drive interest and traffic? I have, but as anybody else, so I'll geek out this for a couple of minutes. All right.
So if you have a Facebook group that is under 500 people, now this is, as of me saying this right now, of course. If you create an event inside of your own Facebook group, you can invite all 500 of those members to that event.
They get a notification that they were just invited to event. Now I'm not as concerned about the event itself. You're just going to leverage the event because I do use this strategy on all of our launches. So where you want to keep in mind, the moment they go over 500, you can only invite your actual friends that are inside of that Facebook group.
So there's a difference in that moment. And so if you have a small pop-up group or anything, you're going to invite those people. If it's 500 or under, at least as of this moment, they'll all get a notification. So I want you to think about that. So don't invite people over the weekend, cause they're probably doing other things. What I want you to do is think more strategically.
You want that notification to pop up in their notifications box, like in the middle of their day. So you're in the time zone or if you're in the country, that the people that you're serving, I want you to create that event during the period that they would get a notification, not first thing in the morning when there's already 80 notifications there that came in overnight.
I want you to be the number one oh, something you just got invited to an event. Cause if they're on Facebook right now, they're going to see it. So you take advantage of that. These days you can do an online event, which means you can put a . URL in before used to have to put an actual physical address. So these days you can put a URL.
But what I want you to do is think of the event name as a headline, as a hook, don't think of it as an event, you get a notification so that you're invited, it's going to say it on Facebook. You just been invited to an event and then it's going to pop. And it's going to say the name of the event.
That is a hook. Use that to get people to click on it. Don't be so literal on what the event is because the event name is not as attractive as the hook. A promise, a question, you know like statement, like whatever it is, like use it as a headline. Okay.
Now anytime that you change the time on an event, people that did say that they're going, we'll get re notified new notification pops up. Just something to think about. You might be able to do use that strategically. Okay. Now I don't bank on the event itself to drive the real traffic. I'm using it as a notification machine. Now those events in your own group, you can't share it externally other group.
Okay. So what I recommend is that you go in and you actually create an event from your page. And if you're allowed to share an event in other groups, like you just said, this is only do things that are ethical and that's allowed in these groups. If you can share that event in the groups that you're talking about, then this is the side benefit I want you to think about is that an event from your page is a retargetable audience, is somebody interacts with that event.
So you can create a Facebook audience to a Facebook ad to people that interacted with that event. Does that make sense? So if you ethically allowed to place in the event, do it from your page, share it into the group. If that's where you're allowed to do, because not all groups has always respect the group owner and their roles, but if you're allowed to do that, anybody in that group that interacts with that event itself, if they look at it, if they, go through, even if they say they can't join, it doesn't matter. As long as they interacted with the event, you can create a Facebook audience based on that.
And you can serve ads to people upwards of 365 days later, to people that interacted on that. Okay.
Patty: Oh. So, and then if I repeat this event, then you can go back and target those people again, or
Paul: Yep. You can just keep adding custom audiences, stuck them all up inside of an ad.
Patty: Okay.
Paul: Yep.
Patty: Strategically it's named "Finding Dr Right for Rare Disease Patients" and I've finally started reaching people with memes and have a meme that has really well received.
People are sharing it just . Basically it takes a rare doctor to treat her to care for our rare disease patient. And then I asked, how many doctors have you seen before you got the care you needed? And lots of comments, lots of shares, lots of likes. Is that something that you would use as the image for the event then so that it could lead into finding the right doctor?
Paul: If it supports the event messaging, now, what I would say is, is that image or that meme, is that on your business page right now? Okay. Well, I would personally do is you can advertise the event itself after you create it, you can advertise the event to people that have recently engaged on your page.
Patty: Okay.
Paul: So then what that would do is all those people that have been sharing it and liking it, and then going viral, that event will go back to those people and make them aware of this new event that you have. So you can do a cycle, you know, you can leverage that, get interactivity on your social media. It just has to be on your page.
If it's on your personal profile, it's not a retargetable thing. Okay. Yeah.
Patty: And if I share from my page into a group, it's still collecting all that data, Right?
Paul: Yes, yes. Yep.
Patty: Cool.
Melissa: Christina had asked in the chat. Does the event automatically invite all Facebook group members if less than 500 or do I need to take a step to do so?
Paul: It'll actually tell you, you can invite all, it'll say it right on the event. invite all members. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Good strategy.
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