Change is constantly happening in marketing.
In this episode, we are discussing how to create a framework that will withstand changing algorithms and technology and how to embrace change and use it as an opportunity to stay ahead of your competitors.
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3 Big Take Aways
- Why adapting to new trends is about more than just surviving
- How to avoid getting caught off-guard by change
- How to stay ahead of your competitors
- Adaptive Marketing Program – Adaptive Marketing Program is an exclusive opportunity for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners to play bigger and bolder in their business and explode their bank account with more clients!
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Melissa: We're jamming on being, not just any old marketer and adaptive marketer,
Paul: An adaptive marketer?
Melissa: An adaptive marketer.
Paul: Okay, so like a chameleon, like we need to adapt, we need to change to our environment,
Melissa: kinda,
Paul: you know what? I really love that phrase maybe for certain . Reasons, but I'm really excited about digging in today about this topic.
So when it comes to being adopted, what does that really mean? And if you think about it adaptive has changed, right. Adaptive is conforming to the environment as it evolves. Right. And a survival of the fittest, you know, it's kind of like a Darwinian a little bit, but here's the thing. When it comes to marketing, there's one constant.
Melissa: Yeah. What's that?
Paul: Change?
Melissa: It's kinda sounds weird, but it's so true. It's change is constantly happening in marketing. And it's really important that you're aware about that. If you're not, if your blinders are up, then you can really get stuck with it.
Paul: You know, it was really interesting this past week something came into the mail and I grabbed it and I put it out on the counter.
I'm not sure if you remember this and you stumbled upon it and you thought it was like a, you know, a brochure or something like that. And then you, and then you lifted it and you looked at, and you're like, oh my goodness, what is this? It was a telephone book.
Melissa: It was like "This does still exist?"
Paul: it was like this thin though. Right. Remember, you know, those of us that have been around for a while, but you know, what was really funny is we handed it to David. It was like, Hey, what do you think of this? And he went through it now, you know, he's, he's younger. And he was just like, what is this thing?
Like what he, he could not comprehend it whatsoever. Right. And it's really interesting because again, there's a certain, you know, market that they have not evolved in the change themselves. And that telephone book is really relevant. The, you know, the thin part of the yellow pages that was, there are definitely people that did not adapt.
And as well as the marketers, I guess they're trying to hit those people. Because it's really interesting. Like, I just didn't even think, like, I wouldn't even, I would just pull out my phone these days and I would type into like, you know, search engine or something and, and tap in like, Hey, I'm looking for a dentist.
Hey, I'm looking for a plumber. Hey, I'm looking for a digital marketer to help me with my marketing, you know? And but I guess there's a certain percentage of people, even our customers that have not adapted. And this is really interesting because for a lot of us as a marketer in order to not just survive, but to thrive.
We really need to be adaptable ourselves. We really need to keep an ear to that rail, to know how the current, you know, how things are shifting. Like what's coming down the line. And a lot of people don't do that. They like, they hang in on like how things used to be. Oh, you remember all these iOS updates in recent years that have happened.
All these changes of privacy laws is like, oh, the sky is falling. The sky is falling
Melissa: Yeah, it's really about . Again with the changes. I think of it like an ocean. And a lot of times what we say is that you can either get hit by the wave and just be totally resistant to change. Not open-minded or you could ride the wave and you can go like the water flows.
And that's what we have to be in our business is that we have to ride the wave and not just get hit by it. And knowing that change is a constant to just have that in our mind ahead of time. Hey, something's going to change. Something's going to change again. Something's going to change again and that's okay.
We just have to adapt to it.
Paul: Yeah. So. It's been hit by a couple of waves in my life. I had to say like in the real world, and it's like, you get all unbalanced, you get disoriented. You didn't know where you are. You're embarrassed because you know, I'm going to get out of, and that's something that that's not enjoyable for any of us.
Right? And the interesting thing though, is when you don't adapt or when something shifts or change, you know, you might take for granted, you might've had it easy. Like the things like even these days with like online marketing, there's so many things that people have just recently gotten into the game where they see that as the only reality.
Right? So when things shifted and it was like, oh my goodness, what these platform changes and everything. I can't track people on. I can't get my conversions the same as it did before the sky is falling, the sky is falling. The things are like, oh, forget it. I'm not going to do it. This stuff doesn't work anymore.
And you know what you know, what's cool. You know, what I love about the market when things change is that there's a lot of people that don't adapt and that's your competitors, right?
So that's going to be your competitors in the future. That's not going to be you. Because your competitors are going to go, you know what things aren't as what it used to be, I'm done, I'm out.
And a lot of our, a lot of our industries are so oversaturated these days, right. A hundred percent. And what I love about not being adaptive is that people are like, oh I'm not going to try that. I'm not going to do Facebook ads anymore. They don't work. Oh, I'm not going to try that YouTube thing or that Pinterest or tic toc or whatever.
The next thing is, you know, it's like they just give in, they throw in the towel so fast, so easy.
Melissa: Yeah. So this really is about embracing that change and then understanding again, coming back to marketing as a process. So when you understand that change is going to happen, And natural part of marketing and that marketing is a process and you put those two together, then you really could figure out what's going to make sense for you.
And again, when things do change, you have this process, you know, the basics, the foundational pieces that you can ride the wave, you can shift along as things change, and you're not stuck there. Just wondering what to do next. You actually have a game plan, a foundational piece that you can, you can ride the wave instead of being so resistant to it.
And not. You know, stuck again underneath that wave and mad about it.
Paul: We, we love to do horrible analogies. Now. This is awesome. Now here's the interesting thing in speaking to that, Melissa, it's. If there was a process or formula, like a framework that could stand the test of time, that it didn't matter if like back in the day it was radio and now it's podcasts.
It didn't matter if back in the day it was a newspaper or magazine and now it's a blog post or social media. It didn't matter if it was a, you know, watching TV. Radio or TV commercial back in the day, and now it's a YouTube video or a Facebook live or whatever the next iteration is, is like, what if he just had the framework, like the recipe, the process, the system, the method that you could put into any one of those containers.
That will just work over and over again, because what happens is human psychology. Hasn't changed. Like it's taken us millions of years to evolve up in this point. So if we actually had the method to guide people step-by-step so that they would be properly ethically influenced into that buying decision.
That would be such an incredible thing would'nt it? Do we have anything that might, that might like have this secret sauce in it?
Melissa: We do. And this is our signature course, the adaptive method. And really, again, this applies to all kinds of marketing. So again, when things shift and change in the market and it's going to happen, just be prepared for that.
But this method is going to allow you to navigate through those changes.
Paul: Yeah. So what we want to do is we have a link here for you that you can click and come in and join the rest of us in the adaptive. Program. Now, this is such an incredible course. This is such an incredible opportunity. We don't put this out publicly all the time.
This is a incredible opportunity to come in, because this is going to show you how to thrive. Not just survive when things change. This is going to help you have the recipe, the method where you can actually know where somebody is in the buyer's journey. And then message to them properly where they're at.
And then when you're in alignment like that, you're going to guide people from that cold prospect into a warm, lead and then into that buyer, that hot buyer later on when they are ready, willing, and able, right? So we're not going to alienate people. We're going to talk to them where they are in their journey.
And that's exactly what we do through our marketers map that is inside of the adaptive method. So you're going to overlay the messaging at the right part of the buyer's journey. And what's incredible is when you overlay those two things properly, You then are going to see whatever the mechanism is, whatever the vehicle.
So if it's Google ads or Facebook ads or YouTube or whatever, the new thing, fangled thing is in the future, that you're going to be able to overlay them in the right objective that is given to us by the platform.
So again, we don't want to have that hail Mary. We don't want to be the person that's resistant to change.
We want to embrace it. It's an incredible opportunity when things shift and change, when people, the others are getting hit, by the way, you always notice, like there's, there's those that are sitting there and they get hit. And there's one that rides the wave. Like they're the ones that get all the cameras on them, their attention and everything.
And that's where we're going to help you get to,
Melissa: once you understand this method again to whatever offer you have out there, whatever audience you're reaching. Because again, it's a tried and true methodology. That's really going to help you to connect with your people and know exactly that process to take them through.
Paul: So what we want you to do is let your friends know, let your family know, let your frenemies know , just get out there. And because there's somebody that, you know, including yourself that needs help, that we can help you guide through the process. So make sure you click the link, make sure you join us inside the adaptive method and you know, what would be great also is if you can, again, just share that love, just subscribe to the show, share the love.
And you know what, the last thing that I want to leave you is this isn't just that marketing matters. Adaptive marketing matters because things are always going to change and we all need to be adaptive.