Not having any testimonials for social proof, can stop many marketers from launching their membership.
In this episode of our Summer Remix Series, we are discussing why that should not hold you back and how you can create desire for your membership by speaking to your audience’s pain points and the solution that you are offering in a way that truly resonates with your future customers.
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3 Big Take Aways
- Why not having social proof should not stop you from your launch
- How to narrow down on your audience’s pain points and your solution
- How to cast your vision in a way that resonates with your audience
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Jason: And it looks like Jackie . Has a question.
Jackie: Oh yes. Thank you. My question is what are the different ways you can build desire when getting your audience ready for your launch, especially if you don't have success stories to share.
Melissa: Okay.
Paul: So what can you do to create desire in your offers before your launch? Does anybody have any tips?
Melissa: Especially just starting off, if you don't have a lot of testimonials. Right?
Paul: So whenever we don't have an exact example ourselves, I always reverse this. Have you been in a sales scenario where you were virtually waving your hand, a virtual money, just saying, I want to buy this thing before they launched and what did that influencer or that person do?
Because sometimes we even get more answers. So we'll go to Sharon.
Sharon: So for me, it was a brand new membership. I didn't have any testimonials and the people who I launched to my list.
So those people already knew me. And I phrased it as I'm creating this thing that I always wish I had and how I, had to, you know, all the things I had to go through to get this information, to get this community. And it was so much work and I was so lost.
And here it is for you, on a silver platter.
Paul: Love it.
Melissa: I love that.
Yeah, That's great. Thank you, Sharon. And I'll go over to Meg.
Meg: Okay. think I would just focus on the transformation that they're going to be receiving instead of focusing on the testimonials that you don't have.
Paul: Awesome. Anyone else up Patty?
Patti: I actually learned this from Tracy in "ADaptive".
She recognized very quickly that my people were unaware of the problem, much less a solution. And so for me, it's taking it back a step and really trying to connect with them back in that state when they don't even know that there's a problem, they know they have a problem, but they don't recognize what the real problem is.
So getting them primed that way and kind of over that invisible bridge so that they can actually recognize that what you are offering is a solution.
Paul: Love it. That is awesome.
Melissa: Fantastic.
Paul: All right. So do you have any input?
Melissa: Jackie, even though you don't have any specific testimonials based on the membership, I'm sure you have lots of, you know, (inaudible) based on people that have been working with you. Cause I know,
I think you have some clients that you work with, so you can use some of those past experiences as well to just let people know . That they're in good hands and it's a great way to position yourself.
And again, just coming in on that transformation, as far as like casting the vision of what kind of what Sharon was talking about, like, I want to give you something that I did not have and put it on this silver platter for your, for you ready to go.
So just really casting the vision of all the possibilities that are out there with the membership, just to speak into that transformation that you're promising. If you go right into that, that's going to really create that desire and also doing it in a way to where whenever you are casting the transformation or even like agitating the pain, be as specific as possible and narrative as possible.
If you can speak to them in what they're living through, rather than just like a broad statement. I always think of it, whenever I'm looking at pain points and solutions, if I was watching this person in a movie, what would be going on in the movie before? Like what kind of experiences are they having?
What are they doing? what's the scene of the movie what's going on and to paint the picture of that pain point. So that way, when you're talking into that they're gonna be like, yeah, that's totally me.
She gets me, she understands where I'm at. And then if you could speak into the transformation of what life is going to be after on the other side, again, think of that movie of, if I was looking at before and after, what does it look like and get really specific into that narrative.
People relate to that a lot. Sometimes we tend to speak, I always used to call it like coach speak, because know the transformation that we're delivering, but to get really specific and simplify it and paint the picture like a movie it'll help hone in on what that transformation is. And then they'll have a better understanding of exactly how it's going to help them.
Paul: And I'll jump in that every single major influencer that you see out there do you think, oh my goodness, they're untouchable. They started off with zero testimonials as well. And I just want everybody to remember that is that they somewhere prime their own engine directly or indirectly. So some people all go out and purposely crowdsource a small group of people and maybe do complimentary services or low price services, just in the relationship of being able to get something up and running, to get a testimonial, to get a case study so that they can use that instantly when they go out into the marketplace.
That's why you'll see a lot of beta programs and things that are out there that before they're officially launched publicly, they actually have some testimonials even from day one. you also have in coming back to not just the transformation,
but a lot of people sometimes will buy more into a vision or a movement than they will on the thing itself. So many years ago in 1997 19 97, 19 98, dating myself here is when I was an agent of the real estate company I worked for. There was 16 of us . And I gave $50,000 to buy half ownership into the company.
And that jolted the current owner, but I had a vision of where I could take it. It was 34 years old at that time. And it was only 16 of us in one office. And when I recruited my first agent that came in from another real estate company, they left a bigger company that come into mind. We didn't have the advertising, we didn't have the technology.
We had the vision, we had the foresight, we had a direction of where we're taking this and that's what the first person bought until and inside of a year, I recruited 68 agents into that company.
One by one off of vision, you know, I finally had enough money where that, that year I bought out the previous owner, I gave him total money to get out of the way cause he was going backwards and I flipped an investment property. He was able to take a little over $70,000 and renovate the office so that it could, I can start showing the vision like we're progressing because I'm serious. Like at that point they were still taking notes.
They didn't have a voicemail system like, oh, let's take a note. And in the nineties there was voicemail systems, you know? So it's like I had, I was able to start showing progress, but we expanded to eight offices over the next couple of years. over 200 agents, 16 employees because of the vision, because they wanted to buy into where we were going. Not necessarily where the current reality was.
So some of us get so tripped up that I don't have all the social proof. I don't have all the credibility. I don't have all the things, but what it is is every single person that's at that level originally had an idea just like we are just like we are doing right now. They just took a step. They did, they didn't use it as an excuse.
They went into the marketplace. I'm telling you, you get one member or two members, get a win, and then say, you know what? I love that, that screenshot. Can I screenshot this and put it on my sales page? You instantly, now I have your testimonial, one week into your membership, you know, 30 days later you could reopen it back up with like five testimonials that you're able to screenshot and get permission to use that, to get the next rung of people in.
But more people will buy into the transformation and also your forward thinking of where things are going to go. And they don't necessarily, I mean, inner circle started as a Facebook group, a zoom call and a thrive cart link. There was no sales page. There was no platform. There was just a vision of what it was going to be. And even what it is today is 100% nothing what it was two and a half years ago. So, you know, each of us just, I would say just, just lean into it and just make it happen.
Melissa: Awesome. Awesome. And I see Jackie in the comments here. Yes. You hadn't thought about the work you did with clients. Definitely. Think about the work that you're doing with your clients, for sure. Good, good.