A lot of us have products and services that we would like to sell to our audience immediately.
But many of the people in our audience are not yet prepared to make an informed buying decision right ahead.
In this episode, we are discussing how you can take your audience through the different stages in the buyer’s journey successfully from a cold prospect to a hot buyer.
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3 Big Take Aways
- The 3 Factors that lead a person to purchase an offer
- Why you need different messaging for the specific stages your audience members are in
- Why you need to make more offers
FREE: Ads Challenge – Sign up for our free Ads Challenge and learn how to create Facebook ads that transform strangers into raving clients!
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Adaptive Marketing Program: For online entrepreneurs, service providers, & business owners who want predictable results and more sales, easier and faster.
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Melissa: So we want to share with you a process, a process that's going to help you get more sales.
Paul: Now here's the thing. Most of the buyers in the world, like people that are in our audience, they actually didn't wake up as a buyer. They were just being themselves. They're living their lives. They were enjoying Facebook feed and Instagram, and they were eating dinner and they were judging their friends and they were doing all kinds of things.
They necessarily did not wake up thinking about buying our thing though.
Melissa: Yeah. We forget about that a lot of times. And there's really three factors. When you have the right person that's ready to buy, they actually have to be ready to buy. They have to be willing to invest in what you have to offer. And they also have to have that ability to buy your offer as well.
Paul: Yeah. Have you ever been in a situation where like you were ready, willing, but man, you didn't have the money in the bank. Somebody just came up that muffler just fell off last week. Something just happened. You are not. To make that investment, you know, that's just the reality, right? So this is really a key to, to remember because a lot of times I think that we're like when we send an email and we're like, here's our offer.
We feel like that personal rejection a lot of times, you know, and it's like, no, not everybody was ready, willing, and able. So there's some people that would love to invest in us, love to invest in our offers, but they didn't have all three of those qualities, which I think is very important. Now, in order for people to get those three qualities, because sometimes if they just have two or they just have one, maybe they're in the earlier stage.
Yes, absolutely.
Melissa: They might be in that earlier stage. And this is again, we talked at the very beginning, steering the process with you. The process is really taking them through a journey where you're going to build rapport with them. So they might not be again, ready. They might be in the very, very early stages.
So going through that buyer's journey with them and building the rapport, that connection is really going to take them through the process. That'll take them from someone that's cold, which they have no idea who you are. No idea, anything about what you do, warming them up a little bit so that they get to know you. They get to like you, they get to trust you.
That's what we want. And we're really working towards. And then eventually down the line, they're going to become a hot buyer. There'll be someone that's so excited about what you do. They have invested in you, they, if they hear about what you do and they're excited about it, and they're, they're at that point now where they're more indoctrinated with buying what you have done.
Paul: Yeah. So if we come back and you think about it, you said the buyer's journey. So we talked about process. We talked about a journey. Now I know a lot of us, we would prefer in our sales to have a sprint. You know, the journey is like, no, I want them to wake up today. And buy my thing.
Now, this happens a lot of times, if you do have a practice service, that's more of like an impulse buy type thing, maybe a low price thing, something that's hitting a really hard, you know, point like a pain point that people want to have solved immidiately.
But a lot of us have products and services where we, the people are just like being a stranger, like complete stranger. They're not going to be prepared to like, trust us to purchase you talking about like don't trust to, to be able to jump right out immediately and buy.
Melissa: I think there's time and place. There's definitely the need for those impulse buys. So you can have a variety of different offers and your products week, you can have those that are more, those impulse buys that maybe don't require as much of a thought process, but it's really going to help solve a pain point. But for most of us, you might have a higher ticket item.
Where it is going to require some thought it is going to require some trust and getting to know you a little bit better. And again, working through that buyer's journey with your, the people in your audience is going to build up that trust and lead them down that path to that offer.
Paul: Yeah. So if you think about it, like in, in the buyer's journey is in like a process.
That there are different legs to a journey. So Melissa was speaking earlier on about like a cold audience. So this may, it's like a total stranger to you. They probably didn't know about your product or service. They might not even know that they have a problem or an issue that you're even addressing.
And you need to think about that because people that are in earlier stages, you really need to take the time and message to them different. This is where messaging, I think is very key. And then when you are messaging, you're going to get the right people. This is where we get followers. People that like, like our content, they're commenting on things.
Cause they can resonate with our social media. A lot of times they might opt into something. They might not buy something today, but they might like watch a video that you just did or they might be following you on a blog post. They might be opting in on a freebie that you might be speaking in. But again, they did not, ah, they didn't wake up this morning, you know, yawning and stretching and saying, wow, I want to buy the solution to this problem today. Right?
So we need to make sure that we have, and we hang on to that person long-term so as we serve them, as we message them properly, you know, they're going to socially raise their hand in a lot of different ways. They're going to warm up over time as Melissa was speaking. Again, some people are a little they're, they are the sprinters they're looking to get that problem solve immediately.
But the bulk of our audience is not, again, they're not in that ready, willing, andable mindset or they're not prepared properly. So we really want to think about that because if you do have the bulk of your audience sits in that cold stage, you know, like how would you message them differently? How would you keep them interested in between when you do make your offer?
And then you're going to have those people that are a little bit further, along a little bit more indoctrinated, maybe have two of the three qualities. Like they're ready, willing, but maybe they're not able, or maybe they're missing one of the other two. Right. And then when we do make that offer, we still can't also take it.
Cause I think it's a limiting belief to really think like, oh, you know, cause a lot of us are afraid to make offers. Because we think like people are personally rejecting us. Right? And I think we need to really push that aside and really lean in that sometimes when we do make that offer, there's a good part of our audience that were not ready, willing, and able, but there is a certain percentage of that audience that are those hot buyers.
Like they are ready, willing to. To make that investment in themselves.
Melissa: Yeah. So as you can see, there's a lot of steps to this. It doesn't have to be complicated, but it just out of, you're doing your marketing to keep in mind that again, not everyone's ready, willing, and able, and the buyers are at different points of the journey.
So your messaging is definitely going to be different to someone that's just coming into your world versus someone that's been in your world. You've built trust with, but now it's, it's an opportunity for you to go deeper with them and the messaging and lead them to offers that make sense for them.
Paul: So like any process that seems overwhelming until you learn the process.
Right. And what I'm really excited about Melissa is that we have something that is coming up that will actually help everyone to actually guide them through the buyer's journey, guide them through this particular process.
Melissa: We're so excited. We have our free ads challenge. That's coming. This is an awesome challenge to go through, to really learn about this process and put it into action so that you can do this in all of your marketing messaging.
And really the purpose of the challenge is for you to help convert those strangers into raving fan clients. So we're going to have information in the show notes about the challenge, but we definitely want you to sign up. Come into the free edge challenge, because we want to have you learn this process and you can apply this to every single offer that you do in your business..
Paul: Yeah. So again, just head over actually to adschallenge.com. Now, again, we just took the time today just to cover that. Not everybody woke up today thinking about your thing. I know we want, we want everybody to be on that sprint, right. But there's just some people that are on that marathon with us. There's that buyer's journey.
Again, marketing is a process. It's a step by step process. We need to be careful to make sure we're not fire sailing all day long. Cause nine, everybody in our audience wants the impulse buy thing.
We're going to have some cold audience people in our audience that we need to speak into and not, you know, firehose them with our offers too much and too aggressively where they just tune out.
We need to warm them up. We need to get them into that warm stage. So they're ready, willing, possibly, ready to be able to purchase our offer.
And again, as we guide them through, as we've been talking about today, they are going to be a hot prospect. They're going to be somebody that's really willing to lean in to make that decision because now they like know and trust us as well.
Melissa: Yeah. So we love sharing these online marketing strategies with you. If you love listening then definitely make sure you subscribe to the show, share it with a friend, because we are talking about this all the time, online marketing strategies to take your business to the next level, and again, make it impact with what you do.
Yes. So here's the thing. Head over to adschallenge.com, where we are very soon. Going to be going through a five day ads challenge with you to help you navigate that buyer's journey. So you can be a super ninja marketer, come over and join the rest of us. Now here's the thing though in between now and then, as we always say, remember marketing matters.