When it comes to marketing and sales, a lot of people fail to attract the right people.
Then the people in their audience are not ready, willing and able to purchase when they do make an offer.
Then what happens?
They really get frustrated, overwhelmed, and confused and feel let down. They put their heart and soul into everything. and they know that what they do can help, but something there along the way is just in misalignment and doesn’t connect with their audience.
In this episode, we are sharing the three pillars to success. These are three things that need to be aligned and working together in order to have success in your business and lead people to buy your offers.
Are you ready to positively influence your audience and guide them into a buying decision with less effort?
Then check out our Influenced Course here!
This course is about bringing all the pieces together from social -to list building -to launch and linking it together so you can be that leader for your audience
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to get the right audience in front of you
- How to naturally lead them into your paid offers
- How to avoid having a disconnect with your audience
FREE: Problem/Solution Framework – create list builders that solve your audience’s problems- making them highly desirable, and allow you to build your list faster!
- Influenced Course – Positively influence your audience and guide them into a buying decision with less effort
- Adaptive Marketing Program – Adaptive Marketing Program is an exclusive opportunity for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners to play bigger and bolder in their business and explode their bank account with more clients!
For a list of our resources & recommendations visit: https://onlinemarketingpodcast.com/learn-with-paul-melissa/
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Melissa: Today, we're sharing the three pillars to success.
Paul: You mean not 87 steps. it's only three?
Melissa: We like to keep things simple around here.
Paul: You know what, and when it's simple, we get it done.
Melissa: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Paul: Yeah. So let's go ahead and jam in on this because you know, when it comes to marketing and sales a lot of people fail to attract the right people.
Like the, these people are not ready, willing, and able to purchase. Right. And then what happens is when we do that, then, then we really get frustrated. We get overwhelmed, we get confused, we get let down, I see a lot of people in a lot of Facebook groups, opposed to like deflated. Mm. You know, like they're like, oh, I did a launch and nobody bought it.
Or like two people bought it or whatever. And they, they want to give up. Yeah. A lot of times.
Melissa: Yeah. That is, that is, it's a shame to see that on those posts, because I do see people, they put their heart and soul into everything. They're really passionate about what they do. And they know that what they do can help, but something there along the way is just in misalignment.
And that's what we're gonna jam on today because a lot of times, it's really just about something that's a misalignment. That's not connecting with our audience. It might be a really awesome offer. Something that really can help, but somewhere along the line, there's a disconnect.
Paul: Yeah. So when we talk about the three pillars, what, what are those three things?
Melissa: So the three pillars are your audience, your message, and your offer, and these all need to be aligned in working together in order to have that success in your business. And again, lead to people buying your offers.
Paul: Yeah. we jam on this all the time and this is very commonly known. So it's not something that we made up.
We, we need to look at these three elements, but here today though, we're, we're talking about intentionality and this is where a lot of people mess up because they almost treat these things as like three separate buckets, like three completely different things.
They're like, no, no, no. You know, like when I launch, then I think about like my sales page and when I'm gonna, you know, basically shove down these people's throats, you know, that are following me, but it, but it's like, but when you pull back, it's like, Ooh, you know what?
If we're not intentional, , we should have a through line, like all of these things are, and, and I think you said it they're intertwined. And a lot of people don't quite understand that. I think maybe we should jam on that a little bit.
Melissa: Yeah, absolutely. So again, if you think about it, whatever you put out into the market, that is what naturally you're gonna be known for, and you're gonna attract people for that thing.
So again, if you're social media, you're posting about things that are, have to do with one topic, and then that's gonna get someone interested in that topic. But then you bring them one step closer into your world when they they're like, okay, I'm interested in learning about the topic and you're talking about something completely different.
Or even like from that point, you give them an offer to something completely not related to the original topic. That's where that misalignment is. That's where that disconnect is. And this is why it's so important when we are looking at all three of these pillars, they're all perfectly aligned. So it's just a seamless transition.
When you are talking to your audience, I wanna think about it just like a conversation. And you're just continuing the conversation at different points of the conversation from when you're getting to know someone, when they're one step closer into your world. And then when they're closer and closer to buying your offers.
Paul: Yeah. I see this a lot of times when people come into the online marketing space and they, they learn all these things and it. They have a decent audience, but they, they forgot like how these people got on their list or how they came in their social media. And I, I can just use us as an example. Like we, through the years, you know, we previously had a photography business like locally, so we had some social media followings and, and we did have a list of people that like used us locally.
Right. And then as time progressed and we started doing workshops and courses and in online programs, but also when we were teaching from stage lot. Build a huge audience.
Melissa: Yes.
Paul: You know, over 30,000 people that came into our email list through all these efforts that we did over several years, speaking on major event, convention, stages and everything.
But what happens is that we spoke on, even, even in that audience, we spoke on different topics.
Melissa: Yes.
Paul: Over time. And even those, even though they were the same people like photographer, like professional photographers, they might have came to us like we might have done like a headshot workshop and like that, oh, they really wanna learn about head shots.
Whole like another year, big major conference. We talked about wedding photography. That's a whole different group of people that necessarily are not interested in headshots and vice versa. Right.
And then as time progressed and we moved out of that space and back into what you know, we've been doing for a longer time, which is business coaching, help people with marketing and selling their offers, what happened was, is most of those photographers on our list were like, ah, Paul, Melissa, what just happened.
Now from a vanity metric, we could have looked at that 30,000 people and been like, when we launch this thing about memberships and courses and coaching programs, they're gonna love it.
Cuz you're looking at numbers, you know, you're just like, oh, there's X amount of people. Like not even people you're like, these are one in zeros type thing and they're not the right aligned people. So if we would've done that, we would've had incongruency. Now we did turn that curve, you know, years ago.
And about out of those 30,000 people, there was less than 3000 people, 2000 something people. That came along their journey with us because they were more entrepreneurial and they were looking at, you know, doing other business opportunities. And we had to build that list from scratch because it wasn't the right aligned audience.
Like we had the right messaging years ago, but we pivoted ourselves. And some of us, when we, do that initial launch or we, we put a program out there and we're like, oh man, we have all these followers, but I'm really disheartened because like, nobody bought. And it's like, well, was that offer aligned with your previous messaging up until that moment in time that gather those people in.
And a lot of times there's a misalignment there. Yeah.
Melissa: Yeah. So it's really important that as you're thinking about these three pillars for yourself to really take a, a really close look at who you are attracting and again, Is your message aligned with what those, that those audience would really appreciate.
Is that, you know, the things that you're offering, things that you're talking about is that something of interest to them is that, that something they're really gonna, you know, want to have more information, have curiosity.
And then on the back end of that, do you have an offer that's aligned with that message? So you might be talking about some really great stuff and sharing tips, but then if you have a completely different offer, that's about something totally. Again, it's, there's gonna be a disconnect there because your audience came in for the one thing that you were talking about initially.
And then you're offering something completely different.
Paul: Yeah. It's like the analogy we always give, cuz this is a real world thing. And in our state we have a boardwalk and when I'm walking down the boardwalk and I say, I, because Melissa knows what's happening and she's trying to steer clear is there's this there's this candy store.
And they have Fudge free samples that they have, they have little toothpicks and everything. Now this is non-social distancing times of course. So what happens is I would always be like, Hmm, I want to, you know, and the intent, the intent is always just like, they take a little piece of fudge and walk away and walk away.
You know, it's a free, it's a lead magnet, like real world lead magnet. And when we get up there and I get that taste in my mouth, I get that taste in my mouth. I'm like, Ugh. Melissa, we gotta go inside. We gotta go inside. Now that is aligned, right? That is aligned because they can give us more of what now I have a taste and desire.
But what if, like I got that and then I walked in and it was like a fish store , you know, or I walked in and it was like a pizza place or something. Now I'm down for some fish and some pizza, but I'm just saying like, It's not congruent. Right? Right. And in a way we do the, the same thing. A lot of us do the same thing.
Melissa: Can you imagine how confused you would be if to walk in I think that's also too. What we do with our audience is we confuse them as well. It's like, wait, what, aren't you just talking about that a minute ago?
Paul: I, I, I think in life, we all, all can relate that we probably have walked into a store. Well, we thought it was something else. And we were like, oh, where are we?
Right. Like, we've all, I think we've all had, I might have accidentally done that in a restroom once
Melissa: a turnaround, let's walk right now.
Paul: so, and, and so of course it's all about attracting the right audience with the right messaging and those two elements need to be aligned. What they already desire. The right proper aligned offer.
Now, Melissa, do we have something that we could jam on right now? Yeah. That could help solve all these issues.
Melissa: Absolutely. So we know this is a pain point for a lot of people. So what we have officially done is launched our influenced course. And this is all about linking your social to your list, to your launch so that everything is perfectly aligned.
So that, again, your message your audience, your offer, everything is linked so you're bringing in the right people and leading them into your paid offers.
And the influenced course is gonna teach you exactly how to do that on your social media bringing people into your world getting 'em excited and then bringing them on one step closer onto your list with your list builders.
And then from there, we're gonna lead them into our launches, which again, everything is perfectly aligned that will naturally lead them into your paid offers.
Paul: Yeah. And it makes life so much easier when you have that alignment. Cuz then things just, people are naturally asking you, like when are you putting something out?
When are you putting something together? And this is why we're so excited. You know, today we jammed on the three pillar. We jammed in and we went on, cuz again, everybody we bring into our world, we need them to be ready, willing, and able to purchase the offer that we have in order to do that. We need to bring in the right people.
So what we're gonna do is look at those three pillars, you know, looking at the audience, how do we get the right audience in front of us? And that's through our messaging and the messaging really, truly is the bridge between attracting the right audience that will naturally be aligned with those offers.
Again, here are those key words, intentional and aligned. This is very key, very important. This a lot of people fail again. We don't want to be the fudge, you know, giving out the free fudge and then go into the Fish emporium suddenly , you know, well, there's one of you that might be interested in that, but other than that, that's what we need to do.
We need to create that clarity and that alignment.
Melissa: Yeah. So if you're interested in checking out the course, you wanna go to influencedcourse.com and as always, we talk about all these things on the podcast about marketing and selling your offers. So please, if you love today's show, head over, subscribe the show and share with a friend, let them know this is what we jam on.
We'd love talking about marketing and selling your offers and again, getting in front of the right people with your paid offers.
Paul: Yeah. So remember until we talk again, marketing matters.