If you really want to attract the right people for your offers, you have to make sure that the lead magnet that you’re putting out there is very attractive and perfectly aligned with your offer.
In this episode, we are talking about common mistakes people make with their lead offers that lead to overwhelm and how to create list builders that solve your audience’s most important problem and naturally create desire for your main offer.
Grab our free Problem/Solution Framework here!
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to align your lead magnet with your offer
- How to avoid overwhelming your audience
- Why focusing on solving a single problem can improve your list building strategy
FREE: Problem/Solution Framework – create list builders that solve your audience’s problems- making them highly desirable, and allow you to build your list faster!
Content Creation Power Pack: What good is creating content if you don’t know what to say each day? These guides will help you create content before, during, and after all your promotions!
Adaptive Marketing Program: For online entrepreneurs, service providers, & business owners who want predictable results and more sales, easier and faster.
Whether you're moving at a turtle's pace or racing at rabbit speed with your business…
…we'll help you create a strategic marketing plan, run successful ad campaigns, optimize your copy for more conversions, and get more sales and clients!
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Melissa: Your best list builder will solve this problem. It's a big problem.
Paul: That problem, or what problem? Let's talk about problems.
Melissa: Yeah. So let's talk about problems. Problems aren't always a bad thing when it comes to building our lists because we're there to help solve problems. Right?
Paul: We're solving problems.
We have a transformation that we're providing with people and you know what? Speaking of that, people really don't want a checklist. They really don't want a framework or system. What do they really want?
Melissa: They just want their problem solved. I mean, at the end of the day, that's why our people come to us with whatever are offering.
They don't want all those things. They just want their problems solved.
Paul: Well, you know, we do spend a lot of time though, speaking about frameworks, checklists, you know, systems of those things. We really had to boil down though. Like if you really want to attract the right people, we need to make sure that that PDF, that download that checklist, whatever it is, like the vehicle that you're putting this problem solver into is very attractive and very aligned. And what should it be aligned with?
Melissa: It should be aligned with your offer if you've been following along, remember that list building tool, the lead magnet, whatever that thing is, needs to be a bridge to your offer. So whatever that little piece of information, resource, tools someone that would want, that would naturally be a great candidate for your offer.
Paul: You know, and one thing that I see a lot of people focused on as well as man, they spend a lot, they really don't focus on the problem as much, but they make a beautiful, beautifully designed cool images, like all kinds of crazy graphics and everything.
Melissa: I love a pretty lead magnet. I really do. I mean, it's just, there's some really impressive things out there, but if it's not speaking into the problem and solving the problem, then what's the point.
Paul: That's true. Our people they have probably just like every human being has more than one problem.
Like a lot of problems, some of those problems are probably a little bit more immediate and some of those things they might not be aware of, or they might be bigger issues or bigger problems that our offers solve. So really when we do these lead magnets, when we put, and we are list building,
What type of problems should we be speaking into?
Melissa: Yeah. You know, a lot of times we think about that we have to solve all the problems and I'm sure, you know, there's a lot of things that you can help your audience with. There's a lot of problems you can help solve, but then what happens is, and have you ever gotten this where it's just like, you've gotten something you maybe have downloaded one of those lead magnets and it just, it's overwhelming.
It's too much. And it's like, oh my gosh, I just needed help with this one thing. So as you're thinking about solving your audience's problem, It's not your responsibility to solve all their problems in that one resource. You just need to solve one problem for them. Just one problem, just one it's so tempting.
It's so tempting that you want to solve all the different problems because we can, because we want to help, but if you can solve one problem and that list builder and that lead. Then that's the first step and that you also could have different types of list builders out there too, to attract different types of audience members that might have a different problem they want to focus on.
Paul: It's interesting you say that because a lot of times when we coach people, they believe like giving more is better. Right. And really giving more sometimes, especially in that earlier phase. Is making things complicated and overwhelming. Like, I, I just know some people are like, you know what, I, I have this download and it's like my 78 steps to blah, blah, blah.
And I was like, and they think like, they're delivering more, like they're giving more value, but really like, if you, if you reverse engineer that and you look on the opposite side and it's kind of like, oh my God, That's 70 something steps like, oh, this is, I don't have time. I don't have energy to do that.
This is complicated and a lot of us really need to simplify. We really need to boil it down as Melissa, as you were saying, like that one simple problem. What's that one first step, or like who we're speaking to? Like who, what would attract? We gave me an example in another episode where we have our adaptive method in like what we put in a front.
We do have a challenge that we launch into that. But one of the things that we put out as the 50 high converting headlines. Now, if you think about it, when it comes to Facebook ads, we teach a lot in the now one side, the other, like that is definitely like the seven course meal. Right. And, but it's like, Ooh, here's a taste.
Here's just something like an element within an element, like a, in a kind of like, I call it double zooming and a lot of times, and it's like, we're, you know, here are headlines, but it's like, here's high converting headlines for an ad. And that's really, really super simple. Like we're not giving people the entire meal there.
We're not telling people here's 85 steps to do or whatever. And I'm wondering if all of us should take a step back and kind of reevaluate what we put into the world, because maybe that's might not be why it's converting that well.
Melissa: Yeah. And again, when it comes to solving problems, if you could help them solve that one problem, they're going to get a win and it's going to be a small win, but that small micro adds up to other wins and also to there'll be, have that realization.
Oh my gosh, this one free thing that I got can help me. What else can they help me out with? And then that's where the curiosity comes in and they're going to start to explore all your other offers and things that you do. So again, having that one small micro win with solving that one problem, instead of, you know, all the problems it can be a huge with building your list.
Paul: Okay. So what you're saying is a solved one problem, but again, it's like, I wish the world was that simple. There would be more bigger problems and that's really what we would help people with later on. So maybe we should have like a framework or something, something that we can put together that can help people better understand.
How to market to their people, by creating an opportunity to help solve that one specific problems , maybe we have something like that.
Melissa: Maybe we do we do so we have our problem solution framework, and that's exactly what it is. It's going to help you map out all those problems that your audience might be experiencing and a solution for them.
So you can really start to get your head around this onto how you can create list builders that really make sense for your audience, the right audience, bringing them into your world. That's going to bridge into your offers. So if you're interested in grabbing that framework, you want to go into the show notes, we'll have the link there for, you can download it and you can go ahead and get started with thinking about all those problems and how you're going to help your audience solve them.
Paul: All right. So swinging back around. So today what we talking about is like our list builder needs to solve really just one problem. And it's really as a stepping stone, right? It doesn't have to solve that again that's seven course meal or that entire.
You know, it just has to be this first couple steps and a lot of us should go back and probably redefine, or maybe re-look at to make sure, like, are we solving that specific problem? Because that solving that like hard hitting problem, like that people are really desiring right now and getting them that quick wins.
It's way better than having a super shiny cold glossy looking lead magnet because when we get them that win, then they're going to like know and trust us even more and be guided into the offer itself. That's really exciting.
Melissa: Yeah. Ah, yeah, we've had an amazing time talking about this and if you love this episode, Make sure you subscribe.
So you don't miss an episode of the online marketing podcast. We're always jamming things having to do with marketing and selling and having our offers out there for the right audience. Make sure you subscribe also share with a friend, let them know that we're jamming on all these topics. And don't forget to grab the framework again.
You can go to the show notes and grab that today
Paul: and you know what else not to forget about, remember marketing matters.