What is the perfect ads budget? The answer might surprise you: It’s limitless. When your marketing is really tuned in, you have a pretty good idea of how many clients you will bring in and what the lifetime value of those clients is, then it doesn’t matter how much you are spending. In this episode, we are discussing how to create multiple transaction points and … [Read more...] about How to Create Consistent Income With Your Ads
onlne marketing
Launch Interview Series: From Layoff to Thriving Online Entrepreneur – with online educator, and creative entrepreneur Anne LaFollette
Embracing a fresh start after an unexpected layoff from a prosperous corporate career spanning three decades is undeniably frightening. Especially when you find yourself in your late fifties, and the prospects of landing another job are pretty uncertain. But all of this didn’t stop Anne Lafollette to pivot and start all over. Although she never envisioned herself as an … [Read more...] about Launch Interview Series: From Layoff to Thriving Online Entrepreneur – with online educator, and creative entrepreneur Anne LaFollette
The Most Common Mistakes When Building an Audience
So many entrepreneurs fail when building an audience. In this episode, we are discussing the most common mistakes business owners make, from creating Social Media content that doesn’t resonate, to creating an audience that is not interested in your offers and how you can avoid them. To help you really understand who your audience is and what their desires are, grab your … [Read more...] about The Most Common Mistakes When Building an Audience
How to Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines
In this episode, we are discussing how to grab and keep your audience’s attention with your headlines and get them excited about your offers. Get a head start with our 50 High Converting Headlines Templates! Subscribe To The Show Apple | Spotify | Stitcher 3 Big Take Aways Resources FREE: 50 High Converting Headlines Templates – Grab your … [Read more...] about How to Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines
How to Create Messaging That Resonates With Your Ideal Audience
As entrepreneurs, we’re always told we have to list build, list build, list build. That's what you hear all the time in marketing, right? Where we see a lot of people go wrong is they put the most random things into the marketplace when it comes to building a list. And then they get a list of people that aren’t really that interested in their main product/service … [Read more...] about How to Create Messaging That Resonates With Your Ideal Audience